to..Ross Mackintosh(no subject)

The tallest unicycle I have ever been on is 5ft. I would like to try a 10 ft.
That would be AWESOME! I am 14 years old. Wow! That is some wild experience you
had on your 10ft!! Could it be repaired? All the unicycle’s I have seen above
6ft are custom made and quite expensive. I tallked to Tom Miller once who owns
the Unicycle Factory. He told me he has ridden a 20ft! He said it was the
scaries thing he has ever done in his life! I believe the record is over 100ft
tall by Steave McPeak. I think that McPeak is a good name for a “high”
unicyclist since the peak is normally the highest point of something in this
case…a unicycle! What was your radical cross country experience? That sounds
like a good story! Well, hope to hear from you soon!


@-----}------ a rose

Re: to…Ross Mackintosh(no su…

>I believe the record (for riding a Unicycle) is over 100 feet by Steve McPeak.

I saw a bad quality movie of that and can’t take it seriously. He was tied to a
crane. I never saw a slack on the cable, so it was not that he was keeping the
balance, the cable was holding him up.

I could corroborate that on long distance shots. The angle his unicycle was as
compared to the buildings in the background showed that he was leaning way too
much for the speed he was moving at. He would have fallen forward had it not
been for the crane that was keeping him up.

If you want to see some really great unicyclists you want to use as role models,
check on John Foss, Sem Abraham, Peter Rosendahl, Javier Ruiz, Jose Roman,
Yuishiro Kato, Bill Karbo, and many others.

Alberto Ruiz