To Buy or Not to Buy

Ok, I found an incredible deal (free actually) on a splined wheelset. It’s a black Koxx trials rim, black spokes, and a reinforced hub. I almost can’t pass it up, but I have nothing to put on it! I’m thinking that I could get some Koxx street cranks, make my Try-All tire slick, buy a Monty 2.7 to go on the uni that I take the Try-All off off of, and get a Bedford flat top frame. It’d be soooo cool. Picture a silver frame with little clearance on an all black Koxx wheelset :o The problem is that every time I want to ride it, I’d have to take the seat post and seat off my other uni, and put it on this one… Buying a new seat post and seat would break my budget; I have very limited income, and an expensive girlfriend. So should I let this free Koxx wheelset slip through my fingers, save the money, put it toward improving the uni I have now, or buy something nice for Danielle?

Take the wheelset, if it is free you cannot go wrong you will have a spare lying around if you dont use it and you can always sell it for girlfriend bits?

Or get the wheel and build your girlfriend a uni?

Haha, good idea. I just called her and she says she doesn’t want one…

I guess I could buy a few (one for myself) and sell them on here. That would pay for the rest of the uni. But if they don’t sell, I’m screwed.

get the parts and hold on to them until u save enogh money for the rest. dont let free parts get away!

where are you getting these from?

Or you could make
Number 1 for yourself,
Number 2 for your girlfriend. :wink: :wink: and
Number 3 if you really want to be unique.

I like it alot, yes. :smiley: :smiley:
