Titanium Muni built by Vulture Cycles

Good points, John. I was initially excited about aluminum bike frames. But then the production models had huge tubing compared to steel. If you have to double the size and weight, what’s the advantage?

Kris Holm has managed to keep his aluminum frames light (1.5 pounds) and strong. And you’re right, he tests his products to the extreme. He won’t announce them until he’s satisfied.

if you sawed a high end AL bike frame in half you would see that the tube walls are thinner the bigger they get. just because the tubes are bigger doesnt meen the frame is heavier.

the downtube on the Cannondale SUP 2.8 series had almost paper thin walls but was really fat…but lighter than steel frames.

Another thing w/ that Ti muni frame or any small produced frame it should be tested really hard by someone like Kris or the SB guys.

In my Metalurgy class the teacher mentioned Finite Analysis. Using that you could design and test a frame out of any material, then it should perform as expected when made.

Sorry to re-resurect an old thread.

It is super cool to hear this news from Roger

I Also liked Sponge’s stuff. These are great times indeed. I’m guessing that KH Taiwan stuff will hold strong bang for buck(it is so light there is not many grams to cut). Yet I clap for everyone, I am sure, for this new high end stuff.Gotta love it. I think ti uni’s will be super cool. Not much lighter then a KH though.