This Week I'll...(commitment thread)

Yay! I can do something on that list!

Ergh… hmm…

Should I really? Should I really?

Yep, that’s it, I’ve been close for too long.

Outfifthfakies. They will be landed within a week. I’m going to go practice right now I think.

that will be sick. are you gonna make a new minivid with it?

lovin this thread…

180 flips
sex changes
trey consistency
5-spin consistency

ya digg…

Naw i’m in Israel and I forgot my camera :o

I was going to make a vid here but whatever.

I just tried it for a bit. It’s harder than I remembered it. It could just be that I’m jet-lagged, but I don’t know. I’ll keep working on it and hopefully I’ll land it within a week. I’m closer to inward full varial fakieflips, which are similar, so i’ll work on those and then try them.

What do people mean by in-to-in and out-to-out?

700th post!

Seat positioning. In-in= starting and landing seat in. Out-Out= starting and landing seat out. And so forth.

This week i’ll get given my Trials unicycle for christmas and i’ll learn to ummdo something trials!

Consistantly get gliding. I can glide now, I just need to stick at it
Oh and make a vid of me gliding

I’m gonna get off my lazy butt and ride! I haven’t ridden much in two months because of the snow and cold but I hate not riding! Besides, I gotta work on some stuff for a vid I plan on making when spring rolls around

good luck man, sounds awesome.

Crankflips, then hopefully 180 flips and hickflips by next week.

Awh. seven to ten days till I can ride… :frowning:

Dude, fifthdoubles sounds awesome. Nothin beats that.

I hear ya:(

i shall be able to freemount and ride where i want in hte next week :slight_smile:

learn the 360 unispin. got the 180 yesterday (how about that for a christmas gift:D), and I can now do it consistantly, so now for the 360

this week ill, Clean my room :slight_smile:

Really though, I want to do some hardcore XC Snow Muni.

Today I’ll land frontflips without a snowpile:)

Ok, maybe not today:o

I’m much too dizzy to try any more now.

Definitely going to get them this week though.

^^ wow, like a real frontflip… Like Adrien’s frontflip??? :astonished: