A lawsuit is now pending against a high school student who used the phrase “that’s so gay” in retort to a question from another student. She was promptly disciplined by the principal, hence the lawsuit. Apparently the school had a problem with discrimination in the past (a gay student was beaten) so now they’re taking the issue very seriously.
Personally, I feel it’s ridiculous that someone needs to be beaten before an institution takes the issue seriously. The defense is arguing that the phrase “that’s so gay” has been around long enough to become embedded into pop culture, but I feel this is no reason to allow it to be used.
We’ve already seen several backlashes on this forum when that phrase is used. What’s it going to take for people here to reconsider their use of such language?
I think the word gay now has a few meanings, one of them being stupid or dumb, I think that when people call someone gay they don’t think of it has liking a member of the same sex, although calling someone gay and having it mean stupid or dumb is a putdown towards gay people.
I went into this article thinking “I can see where the school could be coming from, but they went a little over the line”. Then I read:
When a few classmates razzed Rebekah Rice about her Mormon upbringing with questions such as, “Do you have 10 moms?”
What the hell?!?!? Can no one see the incredible hypocrisy here? How can anyone possibly argue that it’s alright for someone to blatantly make fun of Mormon people, but it’s completely appalling for someone to use the word “gay” in an insult?
I think it was entirely inline. Some phrases need to be removed from our society.
Your freedom of speech comment - Do you really think we have freedoms anymore? In this case though, I don’t mind this one leaving, it’s for the best. Same with all the swear words, but those people already get lashed at for (age pending).
I’m happy with the movement the school took, words like that just teach kids to hate.
I agree w/Potter that this is just free speech, but I also hate the word gay when used to describe something dumb or lame.
It’s appalling that a teacher would use this expression in a demeaning way. That is not kewl or cool or even OK. If the OP’s case was a teacher using the term, then I’d agree with the lawsuit, or at least disciplinary action against the teacher.
Well I wouldn’t tell on the teacher. They (the teacher) that said it, is the coolest teacher, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him. It is kinds stupid and is getting anoying to say somethings “gay” th0ugh.
There was a time when gay just meant happy, and a fag was wood for a fireplace…
The english language is a moving target. Words are being invented, distorted, and twisted all the time. And because, as a general rule, people aren’t very civil to each other, the government has to step in an try to figure out who is insulting whom and how.
Tadah… we get Political Correctness…
Society used to enforce a set of normal morality that included this stuff… But we don’t want our neighbors judging us… so that has gone away…
Only way I can see to get true Freedom of Speech back is if people will start using that freedom in a responsible way.
No. On this issue, I can see how people could be offended. It is a sensitive subject, and I probably wouldn’t like something I identified myself with being used as an insult. On other things, though, people take it wayyyyy too far.
I can see where you’re coming from with homosexuals not wanting a term used to describe them also used as an insult, but really, lawsuits are not necessary. People just need to get over it.
I can see where you’re coming from with homosexuals not wanting a term used to describe them also used as an insult, but really, lawsuits are not necessary. People just need to get over it, or at least admit that they just want some easy cash.
For starters, the parents are filing the lawsuit against the school, not the other way around.
I do agree with you about the overreaction, though. I can understand someone being offended, but in almost every case I’ve heard about, the “victim” overreacted.
Slow down there, monkey… the “razzing” students were harassing an individual, not the entire religion. I’m not saying the “razzers” shouldn’t be punished, too, but let’s not misinterpret the situation.
I disagree. Most people with 1/2 a brain could recognize what’s going on here; it’s pretty clear who’s being insulted.
I agree here 100%. Many people don’t realize that with freedom comes responsibility.
In some cases I’d agree with you, but in this case I think you’re waaay off the mark, dude. Neither you nor I have any idea of the persecution faced by homosexuals in society today, and by that fact alone, you have no right to make any judgments on their behalf, such as how sensitive they’re allowed to be.
IMHO, a society that allows such speech to continue is a society that condones hate.