I was vegetarian for around 6 months but have stopped mainly due to health reasons.
I was a smart eater i knew i had to eat beans and things for iron etc etc…
However even though i tried my iron levels have dropped to 6 and their meant to be between 25-150! This is probably to due to the fact before i turned vegetarian i ate VERY little meat except chicken. so now for the next like 5 months i have to have like 4 different types of iron. Although sometimes I really wish i was still a vegetarian.
I LOVE animals
I still find eating Pork, Lamb or sheep meat of any kind, steak, and a few other meats repugnant.
Problem is…
You can only absorb so much iron in a day…
Are you vegetarian too padst3r?
That willpower thing was big for me because just knowing i didn’t have to eat meat was cool but when i started to eat meat again it sort of crushed my willpower:(
I’m a vegetarian. Health reasons??? Thats a shame… I take multi vitamins. But I never took vitamins for the last 6 years I was vegetarian. I’m just taking them now to be safe.
Yeah im a vegetarian to i never really liked meat and i’ve been a vegetarian for 5 years now since grade 4 because we disected an animal and eww never ate meat again.
My names Jack I live in Christchurch
I’m your friend on youtube
ha funny how you can be someones friend and they don’t even know.
You probably will have seen me on nz fora
Man this is such a bomb thread! I am vegetarian, and have been for 5-6 years, and haven’t eaten meat once since then. I never really liked meat to begin with, and it was just a chore to eat it all the time.
And of course, the animals; it doesn’t seem right to be eating something that was once up and walking about. Many people would argue this, but it’s just what I think.
May I ask a sincere question to the vegetarians? Well, to anyone, really. I had this thought a few days ago.
The food chain goes from bottom to top. I grew up watching (the original) Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom and National Geographic. The lion chases down some other animal and starts ripping chunks out of it – eating it while it’s still alive. Death through painful and frightening dismemberment. The lizard’s tongue snaps out and grabs the insect, which gets deposited into the lizard’s stomach to get bathed in gastric juices (hydrochloric acid?). Same thing happens when the snake swallows the rodent whole. A slow, dissolving death through digestion and suffocation.
This is how life works. BUT… And here’s the thought I had. I’m curious what the vegetarians and vegans think about the following idea. Humans kill animals humanely. We are the only species on Earth that go out of our way to devise killing methods that minimize distress and fear. Ideally, the animal doesn’t know he is being led to slaughter. Now, if the animal suffers distress and fear and panic, it releases adrenalin which negatively affects the quality of the meat. But that’s not the only motivation for our… may I use the word compassion?
Doesn’t this count for something? I really am not trying to start an argument or re-open the debate or anything. I’m just curious what people think about the idea that we, as humans (most of us), kill animals to eat meat, just like many, many other species on Earth. But we, unlike any other species on Earth, go to great lengths to do that killing in the most compassionate and pain-free way possible. Is this an idea that you’ve thought about before?
I do agree that what’s truly appalling is the very inhumane and deplorable living conditions these animals must endure for their entire miserable lives – assuming they are factory farmed. But it doesn’t have to be that way (and isn’t, for most small farms and most organic farms). I’m not against killing animals for food. I am, however, against creating a living hell for them while they are alive. I try to minimize my support of such an industry by buying meat from small, local farms. [edit: so could you call me a semi-enlightened meat-eater? :)]
In a lot of factory farms though, the animals live very poor lives, for years until they can be slaughtered. So, if its ‘humane’ killing, we make up for it throughout living space. but you do have a point there.
My only thought to the subject is that we dont need to kill for our food anymore, one of my main reasons. We can more humanely grow plants for food, and create a larger abundance of those too.