The Vegetarian Appreciation Thread!

So umm yeah, I’m vegetarian. Have been for about 5 years. I’ve recently become more involved with animals rights and things of the sort… Just wondering if there are any other vegetarian unicyclists around. :D:D:D

Heres a pretty “hip” site that some of your youngsters may want to check out.

I browsed that site for a little, reading the forums, and it sounded like a lot of vegetarians were being crucified by vegans for not being making the jump to being vegan. Jeez. Turns me off even more from even trying to ever be vegan or veg.

Maybe I should tell them that. Or maybe I dont really care.

Yeah dude, I’ve been vegetarian for about 6 months. Mainly because a vegetarian diet is healthier and I’ve just never liked meat all that much.

awww c’mon. There’s crappy veggies, vegans and omnivours. The majority of most of them are really quite nice.

I’m veggie. I also only eat organic dairy products where the animals are quite well taken care of.
I’ve been veggie for 6 years or something.

I’m a carnivore. Suffice it to say that I have no plans of changing (and I hope this thread doesn’t turn into yet another debate). But if you don’t mind this meat-eater participating in the discussion, I’d love to hear people’s stories. So –

Given that*…

  • it’s probably not the diet you started out with
  • it’s an extreme diet (eliminating an entire food group)
  • there are concerns about getting enough of certain nutrients

… why did you switch to vegetarianism?

… how much research did you do before switching?

… do you feel better on this diet? Or the same?

… do you ever miss meat (like bacon)? I know I would.

    • These are not meant to be judgmental. I think it’s extremely fair and reasonable to make these three claims. I’m mainly pointing out that deciding to switch to vegetarianism shouldn’t have been taken lightly (and probably wasn’t).

I’m not a vegeterian, but i apprecite vegeterians. However, I really do not apprecite the violation of human rights in the name of animal rights, as unfortunately happens here with some regularity at the moment.

Someone told me to be a vegetarian once, saying its healthier than what you eat now. But i like meat too much. What I dont get is why vegetarian “meat”, I cant remamber what its called, but why does it look like meat (sausages and burgers) when they don’t want to eat meat? It just sounds rather strange to me.

Any way i have no intention of becoming a vegitarian, I mean if were not supposed to eat meat, why does it taste so good?


Your a carnivor? You ONLY eat meat? I don’t wanna be a smartass but I think you mean your an omnivour.

I became a vegetarian because I simply love animals.

I did absolutely no researching before hand, it just felt right.

I feel exactly the same on this diet. Basically because It was so long ago that I ate meat, and I’ve changed in so many ways. My diets pretty shit really, lots of junk :stuck_out_tongue:

There are only nutrient concerns if your a freaking idiot. All my fellow veggies will agree with me there…

And no I don’t miss meat. But, I do miss how easy it is, fast food etc. Its a real hassle sometimes, but just knowing you have the will power to beat something like that is freakin sweet.

…is more expensive than even pretty high quality real meat. There are far superiour meat alternatives out there, my current favourite is textured vegetable protein made from dried defatted soya beans. Incredibly cheap (50p for equivalent of 800g of meat), infinite shelf life, makes a better bolognaise than cheap meat.

Also many of the more processed meat alternatives (fake sausgaes et al) have an awful lot of salt in them.

I know what you mean. Its quite a pain really. I’m not very comfortable around vegans because I think their always trying to turn me…

I live on a farm and only eat dairy products that I have researched or that are local.

I don’t see the need to be vegan.

I’ve tried these “meat subsitutes”. Their incredabley stupid. This is for the fake vegetarians, or people that are having trouble adjusting.

I simpley can’t bring myself to eat things that are made to look, smell and/or taste like meat. It truely makes me sick haha.

Oh yeah, I agree that meat tastes friggin awesome. But its the guilt that kills me. Thats why I gave it up. Unlike the cavemen, we’re smart enough to find alternatives.

I dont think I will ever leave meat and become even a vegitarian. I have never understood why people become vegitarians and vegans. Maybe you could enlighten me…

I guess its just a personal thing eh? I’m the youngest child in my family. And apparently studies show that the youngest child is often given household chores such as feeding/cleaning the pets etc.

I’ve always been close to my pets.

One day my family moved from the city onto a farm, my mother decided we’d become “real farmers” and attempt to live off the land. We eventually got some livestock that we hand fed and raised from their birth. And of course, I was young, I named every single one of them and became attatched. Then mother decided it’d be a great idea to eat one of them. And I basically just decided right then and there that I’d become a vegetarian and save these animals lives.

And ummm yeah… Thats why FOR ME, I think its just a personal thing.

What? There’s meat in bacon? I never knew that. I’ll have to look more closely next time.

Yeah I noticed theres already a vegetarian thread. I don’t think it matters :stuck_out_tongue: the more the merrier! hah.

Congrats, Mr. Paun. You just successfully crashed and burned a thread of gentle discussion by bringing in hate (can’t stand people), politics (supply and demand don’t exist), and conspiracy (created falshood).

so sorry to come late into this thread :astonished:

Haha yeah, Ive been veggie for like… 2 weeks now, 1 and 1/2 probably. I’m still struggling a little, but i dont really have craving for meat. I didnt even really want mini corn dogs or chicken nuggets at lunch yestarday (that days school lunch). I looked at one of the chicken nuggets, saw an unbreaded part, and just thought ‘okay i’m not gonna eat that’. Right now, and until i get some vitamin suppliments, i’m eating very poorly. I need to shape up my diet, and get the suppliments. I also really want to go vegan this summer.

my thought: nothing should be treated that way.

my cause: animal rights

oh btw, after reading more in this thread, if you didnt know. Jeremy is veggie.

i am a veggie unicyclist as well and i entierly agree ^ (with the above)

i would like to add to my last post that i have been veggie for just under 5 years and do not miss meat at all.

:angry: the people i hate are people who eat fish but still claim their a veggie :angry: