what he said, but not the eating domestic animals part.
Cows and horses and such can live on their own. They can just as easily go non domestic.
what he said, but not the eating domestic animals part.
Cows and horses and such can live on their own. They can just as easily go non domestic.
Yes it would be a problem… But there wouldn’t be such a problem if man didn’t start farming them. Blame yourself
Looks like insted of what this thread was made for, its just attracted argument loving pricks. Thats a shame.
Well, at least there are some on both side.
If you guys wanna argue about something go join one of the religion threads XD
i had morningstar tvp tacos last night
(i’m calling them that because soy tacos dont sound that good lol)
anyway, i usually end up making too many, but they taste soooooooooooo good. so i end up being extremely stuffed to the point where i regret it but i love the tacos.
and Ben, you do realize that your a walking grave right?
Everyone is.
I find it sad how people have to defend themselves for eating meat.
There’s no justification for it unless it’s a health requirement.
It’s an extravigance that comes at a huge cost.
I’m not saying that everyone should become a veggie just because I think they should.
I’m just saying, don’t try to justify you eating meat.
It’s just pathetic. You eat meat because you like the taste and you don’t care about the animals.
I don’t think you’ll convert anyone by making them feel persecuted. Meat is a natural part of the human diet (although not essential), and there are stong cultural factors at work too. Maybe a better way is to set an example of how it is easy and healthy to be a vegetarian with a minimum of fuss.
I find it’s cheaper, the flavours are more varied, and it’s healthier. And best of all, the pots and pans are far easier to wash.
The attached pdf document appeals to my sense of logic on the veggie / carnivor issue. Seems to give some relevant facts that could help people to make more objectives decisions for themselves.
anotomy of eating.pdf (121 KB)
its traditional. Not natural.
And I find it sad that people like unibikeling are saying we’re straight up “wrong” for our choice.
I admit it, I feel bad for the animals that get tortured. However, I’m a human, not another kind of animal, and so I put the interests of my own species above those of other species - not LESSER species, mind you, just not my own. I’m interested in eating the meat of other animals, because it tastes good. Sorry if you think that makes me a morally wrong person, but Christians think of me as that too, and it doesn’t bother me.
If all that sounds like me ‘justifying eating meat’, then I guess I can only say that I can’t please everyone. I’m just explaining myself.
I’m not saying it’s morally wrong.
and my talk wasn’t really dirrected towards you.
I don’t like it when people diss on other people for eating meat either…
I’m just saying that I don’t like the whole school of trying to justify eating meat.
You explain why you eat it. My bet is that you’d probably eat a substitute if it tasted the same and had the same texture.
I’m just tired of how people try to make eating meat seem like it’s not that bad for the animals and stufff…
sorry dwas.
i just get hyped up about everything because most of my school (when they find out about vegetarianism) ridicules me.
and mainly so also, they dont know where their meat comes from, they dont care to learn, but they insist that i am wrong and that meat should be eaten just because ‘meats good’.
having tacos again tonight
i also like to think that the 10% of us that are veggie in the US would turn into 50% of the US if everyone A. found out where their meat comes from, and B. knew that going veggie isn’t really harmful at all, and actually will help your health.
man i could go for tacos…
I think that obesity would not be such a big problem if there were more vegetarians. My parents, early on in their marriage, ate only fruit in the morning. They aren’t fat now, but they were skinny back then.
Here I thought I made a double post…I’m beside myself.
Look who’s in a bad mood. Go eat a burger.
How do you think the plants feel about you veggies… that you have the option to eat meat but you only inflict your wrath upon the plants. How cruel!
Honestly, I’d love to be a Kobe cow… just read this or this:
Who wouldn’t want to be a Kobe cow? So what if you end up on someone’s dinner plate after a few years of bliss…
Chode is an archaic past tense of chide. I think you mean choad.
Just FYI.
Vegetarians make better MUni riders!