The Science of Long Jump

Well hello I am new to the international forum but I have been riding a unicycle for over 7 years

I don’t really need advice on learning to ride, but rather to know how good people do it to jump so far. Because for high school I chose to do an oral the problem of which is: “what are the performance factors in long jump on a unicycle to beat the world record?”

However, I am missing some crucial information for carrying out the calculations as well as for the final interpretation.

Firstly, the most important data would be the speed at which the best competitors who pass the 4 meters are thrown.

I also wonder about the jump angle: which technique is most frequently used between increasing the speed or the jump angle (which is the hardest to achieve?)

Thank you in advance for your feedback

I don’t think anyone gathers data on the speed at which they take off for long jump.

That being said, I think you could elaborate on many other things, such as the specific unicycle components to get a very good long jump, and why they are used versus other components. Wheel size, tire, crank length, pedals etc.

Good luck

I think you can probably do a lot with that question, although I agree that speed is probably not one of the big factors.
Big factors: wheel size vs weight: I’m not a good long jumper but I think there are top jumpers with both 20"(19") trials unis and those with 27.5/29 munis. The munis are heavier but can reach a higher speed and I assume have an advantage due to a longer effective lever from to the increased axle height.
But even more important are body mechanics: How the rider jumps up and then basically throws the unicycle forward and lands with the wheel then in front. I would examine some videos in slow motion and check height of axle and try to estimate the center of gravity of rider/uni as it travels through the jump. Maybe compare a top 20" rider and a top 27.5 jumper.

Technique plays a huge role in the result, components help but a good rider with good technique will do better than a bad rider on better components. I’ve never tried longjump on a big wheel. I like the event because it came from the Urban discipline, and I ride a 19’’ for urban, so I do longjump on a 19’‘. My personnal record is on 19’’ with 137mm, at 3.00m.

Things that make it happen, technique + speed. I have a good slowmo video somewhere of a 3m jump on the 19’', if you send me a private message I will look for it!

Now you got me curious and I want to do a longjump session on my old Street 26’’ uni hahaha.