The new film

This is the first thred I´m actually starting in this forum. And it´s about my new short film I shot a couple of days ago.

All the riding and editing is made on only one afternoon so don´t expect a lot.

So what are you waiting for? WATCH IT!

Re: The new film

fexnix wrote:

> This is the first thred I=B4m actually starting in this forum. And
> about my new short film I shot a couple of days ago.
> All the riding and editing is made on only one afternoon so don=B4t
> a lot.
> So what are you waiting for? ‘WATCH IT!’ (

Great film! As a sub 10 hour unicycling newbie it’s obviously going to
be a while before I can even contemplate some of these tricks, but I
can but dream :slight_smile:


Does my post look strange? It must be the Swedish keyboard thats not working for you americanos.

Nice film!

Och åh vad jag älskar den där Stckholms dialekten som hördes där på slutet… Eller inte.

And oh I really love that Stockholm dialect that I heard there in the end… Or not.

uniTim is reading the posts from the newsgroup and not here on the web forum. The posts look different over in the newsgroup and are formatted a bit differently. It’s not a problem caused by your keyboard.

That was cool how long are your cranks

Nice riding and editing. I liked the black and white throughout the whole movie and the first of those silhouette clips by the water.


vad kul!

vad kul!

I really want to have a Swedish unicycle gathering in gothenburg sometime around July, I’ll be at Chalmers for two programming conferences, and I know at least one unicyclist in Gothenburg already.

I always get “vad modigt du ar!” when I ride around in Boden in the snow and ice.

Nice video, really like the first clip, but the run down the hill could be a bit shorter. Nice riding though.

Some uni-gathering would be priceless, i would defenetly try really hard to go there.

Ska vi försöka styra upp nånting i sommar kanske?
Hur många svenskar är vi här på forumet som är villiga att jobba för nånting sånt?

thanx for the nice replies.

I don´t know the length of my cranks, sorry.

And for the “Stockholm dialect”, that was no “Stockholm Dialect” that is the purest form of the swedish language;)

I would love to come to a gathering, if it wont be too far away from me.

good stuff

Another creative and fun video to watch!!! Loved the silhouette shot on the dock. The intro seemed to say, “okay, let’s go do something fun”…and sure enough you did. I don’t entirely get the music (I’m not a fan of rap, not to be judgemental…I’m just old and haven’t taken the time to let it affect me fully). I think the energy of the music is great and seems to fit well, but I can’t show that great video to my 5 and 7 year old daughters who would love to see the riding (oh yeah…just hit the mute button). Anyway, that thread has been addressed enough times already. Thank you for the great vid, keep it up!:smiley: