Check out this video of what many consider one of the greatest plays in baseball history. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
It was the greatest “Page can not be found” play when I clicked on it…
An errant http got tagged on the beginning. This should work.
Monday Saves The Flag
“Know why he said the most beautiful play is a sacrifice fly?”
“You sacrifice for the team?”
“And doesn’t bring down your average. That’s why baseball’s better than life. It’s fair.”
-Gil Renard and his son
I’m impressed that they managed to squeeze 4 minutes out of that story. It’s funny how different it is over here - we probably would have cut our links to the queen decades ago if it wasn’t for the Commonwealth Games and the Queen’s Birthday public holiday.
But you would still have a flag, right?
Similar story from my military days in D.C. I was participating in a 4th of July presentation on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1983. There were crowds of people everywhere camping out in spots around the reflection pond with beach towels, picnic baskets, etc. Very festive. From where I stood on the Lincoln Memorial steps, I could see a ‘hippie’ couple not too far down one side of the pond using an American flag as a beach blanket. I guess they were trying to make a statement but they didn’t count on three U.S. Marines walking by about the same time that I noticed them. The Marines evidently didn’t think too highly of the American flag being used in such a manner. It didn’t take long for the American flag to be rescued and the couple and their picnic to end up in the pond.
Bruce, is there anything you don’t have a story about?
im surprised i actually just wasted that same four minutes of my life
Oh to live in the ‘Land of the Free’.
I’ve never been to Bolivia…
Stories come from being old, I suppose.
but since it was touching the ground, arent you supposed to burn it?
The hippies got what they deserved.
For the hardcore, yes. For normal flag use and display that is not necessary. The important part is to be careful about not letting the flag touch the ground when taking it off a flag pole. But if it accidentally touches the ground while lowering it and removing it from the flag pole there is not need to burn it unless you really want to.
Here’s a couple of sites with info on US flag etiquette:
Notice that they don’t say you have to burn the flag if it touches the ground. The only time you need to burn it is to dispose of an old flag. You don’t just throw the flag in the trash. That’s why they say to burn it.
Using a flag as ground cover, towel, draperies in the home, and other such uses is disrespectful. I wouldn’t go to England, Australia or any other country and use their flag as a picnic blanket. If I did I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the local citizens took exception to my use of their flag.
No kidding. Free expression with the caveat of “unless it offends me.” Most people here aren’t willing to pay the full price of freedom, and so we half-ass it.
If a person finds themselves looking to a flag etiquette site to decide whether or not to burn the flag, maybe they should question their motives. Seems to me like anyone taking a site like that seriously is more worried about being seen as unpatriotic than about truly respecting their country.
Well for a start, aren’t we talking about US citizens using a flag as a blanket, not foreigners? That’s insignificant though. Here in Australia, your above comment would probably be closer to the truth if you replaced ‘their flag’ with ‘their sporting team’s flag’. Actually no, that’s not true…if you were seen lying on a Brisbane Lions logo they’d take you as a Lions fan! Honestly, the first impression the average Australian would get (regardless of their political views and whatnot) if they saw somebody lying on an American flag is one of higher than average patriotism. Australian flag beach towels are actually reasonably common in souvenir shops. I take it you don’t have those in America (the flags, not the souvenir shops…I’m sure you have plenty of them).
Yeah, good call.
I don’t mean to offend anyone, I was just really shocked by the hypocrisy. I’ll keep this in mind if I’m ever in America (the flag etiquette that is). It’s really quite interesting. I’d love to hear what it’s like in other countries.
About the same over here as it is in Australia…except we dont really like our flag so a lot of people are trying to change it at the moment…
Yeah, the only people you see with Australian flags are usually tourists!
You will always be welcome in “our” country. People all over the US would be proud to have you stay with them and ride with them.
Oh yeah.