The "eagle has landed" at UDC USA

There’s supposed to be a whole family of Oracles, the 24 and 26 are first, not sure what comes next. I’m using my KH frames for both the 26 and 29 until the frames are available singly.

Did anyone get their Oracle on Saturday??

Does anyone know if the 20" Nimbus ‘Street’ Unicycle Frame is headed to the US? It’s been a couple months since I bought a new unicycle and I’d like to get one built around this frame. And what about the usual UDC April sale? Not on this year? My tax refund is burning a hole in my pocket.

Let’s RIDE!


You sly dog, you … you already placed the order! :smiley: It kinda make me wonder whether last Fall’s Wasatch Crest tour with Ben & me on our 29ers, Brian on his 26er, and you on your 24 had anything to do with your new Muni choice. :wink: Bully for you. We’ll now have a heck of a time keeping up with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, have you gotten it yet? Wanna go ride this weekend? You might be able to talk me into it – although work is consuming all my time lately.

At any rate, congratulations and keep us posted on your first impressions, first rides, etc. :slight_smile:


Got the book today!

Well yes. It did, a bit, at that. :smiley:
I’ve been hankering for a bigger wheel and a brake ever since. I’m glad I waited until now to get it.

I’m out of town this weekend (I think), but yes - I’m up for some muni very soon.

Gorgeous, but I’m trying to hold out for a 20"/Grifter wheelset.