The Beginners "Today I..." Thread

Haha - I’m sure a static mount should work for any crank length; I’m just not that good at it yet. :o I can actually do it with the 150’s, but much easier for me with 125’s.

today I…

Rode a trail for about 3 miles. I was out exploring my neighborhood when I found a nice paved trail. I took a shortcut thing, also, and found an awesome riding spot. I couldn’t ride it because it was flooded, though, but I hope to take a picture or two and ride it soon!

Yesterday I did a static mount 1st try with my 165’s on my 29" wheel.

Today took me about 15 tries… I and when I did finally make it there was no grace at all. In fact it was down right ugly but I rode it out and got everything settled. I’d practice static mounts tonight but Im going to work on learning hopping and get back to work on idling.

104 feet in a straight line…yipeee :smiley:

I laid out a course in the vacant gutted building across from where I work.

Using cardboard coffee cups as highway cones I laid out a 530 ft course…
and made it all the way around (including a couple of critically placed turns)

That’s 1/10th of a mile! My legs were burning when I finished, but I did it!

OMG! Cookie monster Bow Biters :smiley:

Out of stock though :frowning:

I’ll have to go back to the link to see if they have “Animal”

I use really long shoelaces and tie them twice. They end up of very short.

Here is a good site about everything you could want to know about shoelaces and tying shoes:

Today I got my new Nimbus 29 Muni, and 661 4arm/elbow and 661 knee and shin armour
After a bit of a ride earlier I come home to relieve the baby sitter, feed the kids and when the wife came in the door I headed back out and rode around town at 9:30 pm.
Had one BAD UPD and I want to thank the makers of 661! Both knees and both elbows hit hard and I scratched up the helmet pretty bad…
Sidewalk ramp (handicap thing) into the street, but it was off camber, then a pothole right at the street and ramp union… Full speed, the Uni stopped, I didn’t… About 5 or so miles tonight… My legs are RUBBER :stuck_out_tongue:

Good on ya man. I’ve been thinking about some 661 gear. Which 661 stuff did you get and how do you like it. I notice that most people get the 2x4. Is that what you got?

I smashed my 1 mile mark on the 29 with a 2.25 mile ride. That is one lap around the Placerville airport. No UPD’s but it took about 10 tries to get the static mount. My legs still feel pretty good. My current training plan is to do each distance 3 times before bumping up the mileage. That’s aggressive by running standards, but we are not running, thank the stars.

I’m raising my seat a little bit now that I’m used to the 29". That should take some load off of my quads. Look out Tom I’m going to catch up to your 5 miles soon enough.

In other news UPS lost my 150 cranks. They made it to the processing center before my delivery, even made it there a day early. But when they didn’t move for 2+ days (and my delivery date passed) I contacted UCD to put out the trace. San Pablo got the trace at 12:20 PM today with no updates since then. I’m hoping that tomorrow I see out for delivery.

The strange thing is that I was doing a search on the San Pablo distribution center (to see if I could call them directly) and I came across a post in Yahoo answers from someone whose package got to San Pablo on Sunday and has been stuck there since then. Gotta wonder what was going on at the distribution center on Sunday!

Anyway props to UDC for jumping right on that and getting that trace out. (UPS prefers it come from the shipper).

Eck, I’m still waiting for my 661 knee/shin guards to come in the mail. It’s been 6 weeks!

Today I had some free time so I taught myself the kickup mount and improved my 1 foot WW (to about 4 meters)

Kick up mount is on my to do someday. I haven’t been able to learn anything in one day on my uni. Good for you!

Freemounted every time I tried today. That’s a big improvement over just a week ago. Funny thing is what put me over the edge was trying and failing to do the tricks in the Out The Game - Super Beginner Any Style thread. Every time I fell off trying to hop, I had another opportunity to practice my freemount :slight_smile:

Ezas I got these 661 Arm armour
These 661 Legs
And then the KH gloves which I freakin LOVE…

My seat is so that I have just a slight bend when I am sitting and the crank is at dead bottom, This way I can stand if I need to… And today I really felt the difference using the handle… Push down slightly and you feel the resistance in the pedaling go away… It was a “WOW” moment for me that led to an overspeed issue, but I saved it… :sunglasses:

longest non-stop so far

And today I managed to get past the 1K mark, did four and a half laps of the sports ground so I make it 1800m. In total I did thirteen laps for 5.2K so I am feeling quite pleased.
I did feel for the first time the sensations of numbness that make one realize that the seat isn’t really comfortable for long rides!
But I still go very slowly, it took me an hour to do all that. Roughly 5 minutes per lap but while I am in control I do go faster than the walkers. Just still having trouble getting a reliable free mount, think I am still trying to start sitting in the seat to minimize the possible unfortunate discomfort :roll_eyes:
Still don’t feel brave enough to toddle down the road to the river footpath, 1K away, which is my main goal.
But a good morning.

This morning I drove to the local hospital, they have a “fitness track” in the woods behind the ER… Stations to do situp or other things are spaced throughout.
Fell on the loose thick gravel just getting to the trail, guess to much tire pressure or seat to high? Got to the trail and made one lap which the track is laid out on a hill and I started at the bottom.
Staying on the dirt I was ok but when I came back out and hit that gravel Whamo. Realised that my blood sugar was WAY to high (diabetic who forgot his shots last night) I knew that I would just tire out way to fast so I headed for the parking lot.
But what REALLY surprised me was the curb. It’s 7.25 inches tall and I rode right down and never bobbled :sunglasses: … then the air ambulance crew came over after landing the helo which I got video of (again none of me riding). Was a nice morning even though I was starting to feel like CRAP… Time to get back on my diet!!!

Tom you been taking too many falls. Go easy will ya’.

Funny you mention diet, I spent a good part of last night working on a spreadsheet for tracking training and weight loss.

I need to get on my diet!!! Which reminds me its breakfast time. Healthy or Eggs and sausage??? decisions, decisions.

Oh all right healthy.

Krjames, congrats on your new personal best. I hit my new PB this week at 4 miles.

What? If your not falling your not trying hard enough to improve yourself… Plus I wanted to make sure all my 661 gear was still functional AND the co-pilot of that helo was a 25 year old red head that was STACKED and built like a (I hear the commodores singing) “BRICK HOUSE”
And lets face it, at 40 you’ll do anythin stupid for a smile and a hug from something like THAT… I was hoping to fall and need mouth to mouth

I think that pushing yourself just slightly beyond your capabilites is the best way to learn. Unfortunately that means that falls are inevitable. The important thing is that you can fall safely and you have safety gear.

If you fall off a lot, at least you get good at falling. Sounds funny but it’s a useful skill to have!