I would like to make this the official place to debate religion. No need to hijack threads to debate religion (like the atheists, myself included, have done in the past). Because this is the “official” place for that kind of discussion. Be nice.
They don’t actually believe it, they just made that up to make fun of people who do believe in some sort of God.
Anyway, I finally decided that I’m Buddhist. Mostly because I do believe there is a God, but I don’t think it is possible to prove it, or to know what God is, or anything about Him/Her/It…so. Buddhism it is.
You know, now you have to do 10 laps around the temple to the thank the buddha for whatever success it is that you prayed for and came true. (hmmm, this might be an inside joke for those that visited thailand)
They didn’t make that up to make fun of people who believe in God. The made that up to make a point against Intellegent Design.
I’d say that you sound “spiritual” to me. Why cling to one of the already institutionalized mainstream religions? Just make your own, it has just as much a chance as being correct and will be more true to yourself.
Well, that is kind of what Buddhism is all about…its about being uncertain, and not really knowing the Truth, but doing your best to understand it…if that makes sense. The other thing I like about it is that Buddhism doesn’t say there “is” a God or that there “isn’t” a God, it says it doesn’t really matter while we’re here on Earth.
Buddhism has nothing to do with God…Buddhism is really more of a philosophy than a religion. I believe there is a God, but that doesn’t mean I can’t believe in Buddhism.
Here is a way cool fact (of the scientific sort. I qualify to prevent any debate. It is not an absolute fact, just a scientific fact so Jesus people be quiet or you’ll have trouble freemounting and your “nut guard”/handle will droop and get loose and fall off when you are trying to impress a girl.)
The (scientific) Fact established on the basis of morphology, anatomy, physiology, genetics, ontogeny and phylogeny:
Elephants evolved from water adapted sea mammals that evolved from land adapted mammals, that evolved from aquatic vertebrates.
It’s just the most amazing example of the radiation of species and convergent and divergent evolution I have ever heard about!! Crazy! WOW!
That doesn’t really sound like sound logic to be a Buddhist, however, I am assuming there’s more to it than that.
First of all, in Buddhism, arguably, there is no god.
Secondly, what you’re describing is agnosticism, in the sense that you’re claiming that you don’t know and can’t prove the answer to the religious debate.
I have no problem with you saying you’re Buddhist, and if you were interested, I’d be happy to redirect you to the correct place, but I think it’s possible you might be mistaken as to what Buddhism is.