-10 Haven’t ever heard of unicycles.
-9 Have heard of unicycles, but don’t believe in them.
-8 Think you might have seen a unicycle.
-7 Have definitely seen a unicycle but believe it MUST be a camera trick or something.
-6 Have definitely seen a unicycle, but don’t believe you can possibly ride one.
-5 Know someone that owns a unicycle.
-4 Know someone that claims they can ride a unicycle.
-3 Have touched a unicycle.
-2 Have fallen off a unicycle.
-1 Have fallen off a unicycle in all 362 degrees.
0 Oh, Gawd, I am in serious trouble!!!, but grinning.
Serious section (who, me? No, I’m not Searious, I’m Roebuck! So it’s semi-serious, OK, is that good enough for you? Grumble, grumble, gr, humph, {and a series of other 3 & ¾ letter words})
-10 Would like to ride a unicycle.
-9 Own or have borrowed a unicycle. If it’s own then give yourself an additional half point. Yep, you’re in trouble.
-8 Can get on a unicycle with the help of a hallway/friends.
-7 Can turn the pedal ½ a turn at a time, touching one side.
-6 Can turn the pedal a full turn at a time, touching one side.
-5 Can turn the pedal more than a turn with no walls/helpers (except for mounting).
-4 Can catch the unicycle, sometimes, when you fall off.
-3 Realize that you DO need crash and burn protection. Ouch, ow, ow, aaaoouuw, whimper, whimper.
-2 Can free mount, sometimes, and go more than 30 feet/10 meters. Graceful is when you land on your feet.
-1 Can land on your feet, making it look like it was on purpose and catching the unicycle, more than three fourths of the time.
0 Grinning, but, oh, Gawd, are you in serious, serious trouble!!!
Now, what level are you?