Ten levels of unriding a unicycle

-10 Haven’t ever heard of unicycles. :thinking:

-9 Have heard of unicycles, but don’t believe in them. :thinking:

-8 Think you might have seen a unicycle.

-7 Have definitely seen a unicycle but believe it MUST be a camera trick or something. :astonished:

-6 Have definitely seen a unicycle, but don’t believe you can possibly ride one.

-5 Know someone that owns a unicycle.

-4 Know someone that claims they can ride a unicycle.

-3 Have touched a unicycle.

-2 Have fallen off a unicycle.

-1 Have fallen off a unicycle in all 362 degrees.

0 Oh, Gawd, I am in serious trouble!!!, but grinning.

Serious section (who, me? No, I’m not Searious, I’m Roebuck! So it’s semi-serious, OK, is that good enough for you? Grumble, grumble, gr, humph, {and a series of other 3 & ¾ letter words})

-10 Would like to ride a unicycle.

-9 Own or have borrowed a unicycle. If it’s own then give yourself an additional half point. Yep, you’re in trouble.

-8 Can get on a unicycle with the help of a hallway/friends.

-7 Can turn the pedal ½ a turn at a time, touching one side.

-6 Can turn the pedal a full turn at a time, touching one side.

-5 Can turn the pedal more than a turn with no walls/helpers (except for mounting).

-4 Can catch the unicycle, sometimes, when you fall off.

-3 Realize that you DO need crash and burn protection. Ouch, ow, ow, aaaoouuw, whimper, whimper.

-2 Can free mount, sometimes, and go more than 30 feet/10 meters. Graceful is when you land on your feet.

-1 Can land on your feet, making it look like it was on purpose and catching the unicycle, more than three fourths of the time.

0 Grinning, but, oh, Gawd, are you in serious, serious trouble!!!:smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses:

Now, what level are you?:stuck_out_tongue:

I think most of us here are, like, level -100. Or something. :smiley:

Re: Ten levels of unriding a unicycle

where’s the extra 2 degrees??

Here <http://www.unicycling.com/iuf/levels.htm> are Rick Bissell’s “new” IUF Skill levels for the year 2000.

I’ve also once seen allegedly Belgian unicycle skill levels that were quite funny but I can’t find them back even when using Google. They started at level one, but along the lines of Brian’s -10. Does anyone remember?

Klaas Bil

PS How does one create a link in a post with a different text than the url itself? Must be by using those buttons somehow.

The button pops up little boxes asking for the text and the link. Failing that…

[ URL = “http://link/to/thing” ] click here! [ / URL ]


Re: Re: Ten levels of unriding a unicycle

I knew someone would ask!:smiley:

The normal 360 and then the unicycle can go out from under you front(1) and back(2) so you sort of drop straight down, instead of falling over. And then the cycle goes boing, boing, bouncing all over the place and you’re standing there with a silly look on your face.:stuck_out_tongue:

OOOH! That means you’re in a universe that doesn’t have, unicycles, SOOOOOO sad.:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :astonished:

Sweet, according to the IUF I am a Level 4 unicyclist.:smiley:

That’s a good list. I like. :smiley: