Teaching my dog to skateboard

Anyone got any tips on teaching my dog to skateboard?

I’ve seen the video of that pug skateboarding, very talented!

I’m afraid my dog Gala is too long-legged and tall, with center of balance too high.

And I’m thinking she’ll need a WIDE skateboard.

Any suggestions?

Teaching a dog to skateboard is very easy.

You will need:
a hill
a skateboard
1 roll of duct tape
dog treats

you will need a dog, too.

I’m a mountain, so you KNOW I’ve got a hill.

But duct tape???

If you don’t have duct tape some very strong glue will do.

Also, I would install a rocket-type thrust device in the skateboard to boost the dog’s learning progress. And a parachute if he takes a wrong turn on that mountain.

its kind of like teaching a monkey to ride a uni. “nail its feet to the pedals and start shooting at it”

I don’t think you need to be so brutal when teaching… See this video of unicycling chimpanzee. :slight_smile:

That’s a clever one. If you go into the back room there is probably a pile of monkeys that didn’t learn quick enough.

So far, I can’t even get her to stand or sit on the skateboard for long. I pick her up and sit her on it, and give her treats, but then when it moves she jumps right off!

and that would be what the duct tape is for

the ducttape joke is kinda getting old, are you using an old school board? (only back has concave) it seems like that might be easier so the dog coulod go to the front if he wanted to. Also, mabye make it comfortable on it some how so he wants to stay on. or dont feed hom for a while the put food on the board so he gets on then push it. (kidding of course)

Bad dog!

Dogs that are on fire seem to skateboard really well. Douse your dog with a slow burning lighter fluid. Put the dog on the skateboard and ignite it. If it doesn’t work the first time, just keep trying. Ignore the smell, dogs put out an acrid odor when they are frustrated.