suggestions for a begginer/novice unicycle

Hello, i just started unicycling about a week ago. I bought i really cheap uni at a local consignment sale. Im 14 years old, and about 5.7. The one i bought i probobly meant for 7-10 year olds. It is 16 inch and the seat only extends so far. In the past week ive gotten pretty good with it,(got most of the basics, turning, free mounting etc)
But im really looking to go up a lv and buy a 24-26 inch uni that is under or close to $100 US dollars. I saw i few that i might be interested in on like the Sun 24-inch Chrome, and the Torker Unistar CX 24-inch, but are these not that durable? i don’t plan to do crazy jumps etc, just a well built uni. There is a bikeline near me, but they carry very few uni’s. Thx for ur help -schivi

Well for your 16" You could get a longer seatpost to suit your height. Another good idea for a unicycle, would be a 20" instead of a 24-26" considering that a 20" is the BMX of the unicycling world. :smiley: If you can, you might find a Torker DX for that price cause it’s possible to find one for that price. Cause you wrote that you wanted a unicycle that is durable. So a DX would be right up your alley. :smiley:

hazmat is absolutely right if you want a 20 but if you are looking for a uni with more speed you should consider a 28/29. It would be quite a change fron the 16 so you will probably have to prety much re-learn but speed is fun :sunglasses: (untill you have a bad UPD):frowning:

you say you will not do any crazy jumps. we all define crazy in different ways. If you are planning on jumping at all listen to hazmat, not me. Little jumps lead to bigger jumps lead to broken unicycle unless you have a sturdy setup. :slight_smile:

P.S. my first uni was a cheep trials and I wish I would have gotten something like the DX instead, strong and still relativily cheep.

5’7" eh?

hmmmmm i would suggest a 24"torker unistar…or a nimbus II 24" or 20"

my first was a 18" sun uni…twas yellow… still have it i just got new pedals and a longer seatpost.

The CX has a crappy seat.
look for an LX maybe.

Get either a torker lx 20" or 24" they are fairly solid, well built, great unicycles.

Change the seat if you do get it as it may become uncomfortable after a while. :smiley: