Street & Ramp

That was one of the best movies i ever seen! You own most of the street riders who rides with 19 inches! Your have to keep up making more movies with that cycle! (street movies) because your just f*cking amazing! :smiley:

:astonished: :astonished: Wow!! That’s awesome!

No do not buy a 19 inch Your awsome with that cycle Keep it upp!

Sooo sick! One of the best unicycling vids i’ve seen! A total new unicycling style :P!

this is just simply amazing :astonished:
you’ve made about a whole new style to unicycling, really, respect!
you make me wanna buy a bigger wheel:p
the best video i’ve ever seen

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!!! Ahhh!!!

Im getting into this!

I think some things look a little weird… just riding it normaly looks a little weird… but some of the shit you can do is oooooooorsum. I’m def getting a 24 when I can and it is going to be f****** killer! RAAAAAAA!!

sick riding and awesome edit

best 24" street vid. It was already amazing when you were doing stuff with the ramps on a 19". That was awesome.

Not really a new style, he has done with stuff before on a 19" and same with others… He just pushes this “ramp style” going so fast and big and making it look really nice.

Cedric, you’ve always been one of my favorite riders.

Now you ARE!

BEAST! I think X Games is a definite possibility.

I love this!! that vid was awesome!

Siiiick !!! Best street vid i ever seen :wink:


it’s good that you ask. just wanted to say it’s 26" not 24"!
KH with dmr moto 2.4" tire. and the secret: 137mm cranks :wink:

I love it. So smooth. :astonished:

I want a 26" now. I can’t stop watching this :astonished:

best unicycle video ever seen, cedric vincent: RESPECT




Just amazing

When i saw the 24" i thougt about elsbet :wink: where you said you want to have one

so crazy :astonished: