Street & Ramp

Just amazing

When i saw the 24" i thougt about elsbet :wink: where you said you want to have one

so crazy :astonished:


great riding man, you’ve got some big balls to hit those rails at that speed and the ramp gaps are great, keep it up.

the trail stuff was great, maybe ill get off my lazy ass and get back in the trails.

awesome, just awesome.

Crazy that you learned it so fast, your first try on a 26" was at elsbet? I love the video!

Next competition you have to make a new long jump worldrecord, I am sure you can easy jump over 3m.

Your riding looks so smooth with that speed. Looking forward to see whats possible on that wheel when you will have ridden it for more than just a few days.

Just crazy! 26" big street is the way to go!

Its a 26 :wink: Not 24.

dude… there was seriously some stuff in that vid i have never seen before… and it was great…

this is the type of riding that could actually compete against bikes… in my opinion

Really nice video, I like how its different.


It’s a new discipline:

so lets call it:
struni [SIZE=5](street/ramp uni)[/SIZE]


Nice riding bro your video has reinforced my idea of getting a 26" and given me a few ideas. You ride pretty much the way I would like to.

. :smiley:

not must to say:p just insanly awesome!!

that was amazing! the biggest air ive ever seen. and i agree, you could easily break the world record long jump!

So you are the guy that bought Marco’s 26", cool.
You realy are using it good, I love this 26" street style.
Realy amazed by all the stuff you pulled out of your sleeve.
Fast and high dirtjumps and nice handrails.
Maybe you should video batle against Justin Kohze: 24" VS 26" :sunglasses:

Why bought my 26??? I didnt sold it… I still have it and i use it for DH :wink: Video coming as soon as my knee stops hurting.

Maybe a 24 would look a lil less clumbsy. I’ma try some of this with a 24 when I get one.

thats amazing! so much hang time it looks awesome as…and the grinds are insanely fast. and you threw in a few flip’s that flip gap early catch was sick!!

Dude, that is incredible!!! The best video I’ve ever seen!! Seriously…

One thing I will say, sorry I"m older. You are young now so you’re getting away with it. You bail on your hands. One day you will break, better to roll. That bail at 8 sec, in 5-10 years from now will have you in the ER. I know its not cool but if you had elbow pads, better to hit/roll off elbows. That is safe, Coming from someone who has a half dozen screws and plates in my forearm, wasnt fun.

Best vid in a long time. Love the speed and size of things. All the 360s and that 360 rev was the shiznizzle!

It was a 360 lateflip

People are getting way too excited here imo.

But still, AWESOME! Vert unicycling woot woot :D.

My favorite part was by far the crankflip on the hip transfer. Maybe I’ll hit up the skatepark with my 24" some time :). Actually, I was thinking awhile ago that a geared 19 inch would be best for this style, but that’s expensive. But yeah, this video was great, not “the best I’ve ever seen”, but surely an amazing one, as it really shows that Vert unicycling is actually possible.

I saw it and thought “was that a 360 flip or a 360 rev?”. I checked it again and it looked like a rev.