Street - Calling out Simon Berry

Hey guys, so for the past few months I’ve been working on my first pure Street video, and me and Simon decided we’d do a call out.

Simon should be releasing his in a few weeks!

:slight_smile: nice!!
I loved the editing and music!
and nice tech. street down sets,… and ofcourse awesome 360overflip :roll_eyes:

Amazing! Great riding and I really liked the editing! You’re so good at overflips and I liked the fulloutflips too.

editing and filming were awesome! Your Trey overflips look awesome. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! :slight_smile: It’s my favorite trick :wink:

Wow, dude, sick video! I love the street with the fliming and song.
Amazing riding too!! :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile: