Starting a collection

sym cranks are dope…unless you like riding in pants…then the nubs catch on the pant leg and fling you off (unless you have super baggy pants) i éndéd up cuttin the nubs off. if wéré you, and money was of no issue whatsoever then iéd buy:

Impact naomi saddle with Éxéed CF base
Chromo seat post cut super short.
EB Carbon frame long neck with exceed seat clamp
nimbuss blizzard tire (i fine try all isnt good in cold weather)
this rim :
32 hole mad4one hub
sappim spokes
impact groovey cranks
oddessey JCPC pedals…

there you go. the perfect all rounder i think.
this may not be the set up for you though. You are a lot taller and a lot heavier than me so it may not work for you. plus i actually prefer my 24" for tricks (like grinding jumping flipping, etc) so i dont know :confused: