Star Wars @ Imax

i just saw Attack of the Clones at the Imax theatre in Portland Oregon.any true fan has got to see it on 78mm! but since it was not originaly filmed on Imax film,its not as crisp as it could be.

this was the first Imax movie ive ever seen.the cool factor was huge but now i want to see a real Imax movie,not a formated one.

i had seen Attack of The Clones 5 times already and that helped alot.if this was the 1st time, I would have been lost in the fast action because it wasnt made for this format.

they also had to edit the movie.Imax can only be 2 hours long and AotC is like 2:25 so there are some missing sceens,but they left in Jar-Jar Binks AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGH!!!

no popcorn in Imax theatres either :frowning:

dont go to far out of your way to see the Imax version,unless your a real Star Wars homer (like me).

Re: Star Wars @ Imax

Why not? Do they think you’re more likely to hurl? (motion sickness isn’t unknown in some imax films)




I think it’s because the seating is so steep. If you spill your popcorn in an IMAX theater, it’s not going onto the floor at your feet, it’s going into the lap of the person in front of you. Fights would break out. Combatants would tumble down upon the innocent movie-goers below them. Theaters would have to take out huge insurance policies. Prices would go up. Popcorn with no potential energy would be required by law.

Jagur, go see the next IMAX film that’s filmed for IMAX. It’s definitely worth it! One of the earliest, To Fly! gave me a real sensation of stomach-dropping vertigo.

Re: Star Wars @ Imax

Originaly, it was not filmed at all; pure digital cameras were used. Very few theaters have digital projectors, the cost to switch without a total industry converion is prohibitive… someday. A few theaters showed Eposed 1 on digital projectors, loaded off of a network connection!

Anyway, both sizes of film were adaptations. You can get the same effect as the I-Max by sitting in the first row! :slight_smile:

If only all this technology could build a better director, or hide the strings controlling Portman… humm… or edit out that flying trash can…


Re: Re: Star Wars @ Imax

yes,both sizes were adaptations but going to 78mm Imax lost alot of detail compared to pure digital to was not as fuzzy in the original theatre release,like i was saying.

sitting in the front row may make the screen big and in your face,moving your head from left to right but it can never wrap around you like an Imax dome sceen can.

I saw it too! What a night! Smoke a fatty walking to the show, and sit in front of a 6 storey star wars film. No complaints here!

Hey Jagur, at your imax, did it open with a ‘tour’ of the thatre? pointing out the speakers 'n such with a laser light show? Man that was wild!

The one thing I did notice, is that if the movie panned, or a ship flew by it was blurry. (A very mild downside)

There was popcorn at my movie…the IMAX was one of the screens in the big movieplex (coincedently the same movie plex we saw Episode II in when It first came out.

If you get a chance to see an actual IMAX movie, take it. They have all the cameras intent on making the IMAX experience. As cool as SW was, it was really just a big movie.

2 Gigantic thumbs up!

yeah we got the speaker demo and the cheesy guyz voice talking it up in the beginning but no lazers…

i give it a 7 out of 10 but on real Imax film it would be 10 out of 10 for sure.

This works on several levels. Someday (I doubt it) Lucas will relize that it isn’t about the size of the ‘screen’; I could put up with visual effects being blurry and out of focus- but not dialouge, plot and character developed by a director/writer grown short-sighted… $$$
