Speed cubes?

does anyone know where I can buy speed rubik’s cubes, or if I could some how convert a regular one to move faster? any help is appreciated.

  • Reed

get trumpet valve oil, take apart cube, wet down cube, wash with water, let it dry, put it together, speed cube sorta

sound interesting, Have you done that before? and does it work well?

wats the difference between a speed rubik cube and a regualar rubix cube

with a speed one, you can fo really fast

A speed cube is one used specifically to go really fast…some are stiff, or they pop when you go too fast, those aren’t good speed cubes.
The best kind are the Rubiks brand, which you can buy online at http://rubiks.com Chances are you’ll need to take it apart and lubricate it. If you do, use Silicon based, do NOT use petroleum base. Petroleum completely ruins rubiks cubes…its bad stuff. Silicon works very very well though.
So you can order one from rubiks.com or go to any store like Wal*Mart and they probably have Rubiks cubes there that are Rubiks brand, which are good too.

Yeah Wal-mart carries Rubik’s brand. Thats what I got. I love cubing lol.

Keep at it.


I agree with you there.
Wal*Mart is the root of all evil.
But…they do sell good Rubiks brand Cubes.
Other places do too, though…so, you can choose!!

The only real bad thing about the Wal-mart cubes are the stickers lol. They come off after like 2 hours of use.


and that you bought it from walmart, witch pays horable wages and puts other stores out of buisness, so really its like theres a million bad things about it :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Yeah, but that happens with all Rubiks brand cubes. What I do is order new stickers either from http://rubiks.com or from http://cubesmith.com
Those stickers are absoballylutely brilliant.

Habbywall, I think you’re looking for [THREAD=35359]this[/THREAD] thread.

Aside from lubricating it like james said, you want to use it a lot so the cubies “wear out”. Some people file them down. It makes them looser. That way you can move pieces around before they’re perfectly lined up.

That does help, but if they’re too loose then the cube can ‘lock up’ when you’re trying to turn it fast, or it can become prone to popping.
I recommend just using it a lot until the cubies wear out, instead of filing them.

The Rubik’s Deluxe has tiles (no stickers) and has springs inside. Woot!
And you can’t get it from Wal*Mart.

I’ve never tried the Rubik’s Deluxe, but I’ve heard they can be very good.
Apparently the best cube you can get anywhere for speedcubing is a Studio Cube, which are made in the Rubiks Studio in Hungary. You can order it here, click Buy Puzzles, then you e-mail Ton Dennenbroek about it. I think he can even lubricate it and tighten the screws for you, but it costs a lot more…and it costs a lot anyway, since it’s a Studio Cube, and it comes from Hungary. I’ve never bought one of those either, but I would like to sometime.

I have spent a whole year on this one cube and finally finnaly after doing 10 mins at night I did it yes one year woot

Good job dan de man…keep it up.


keep what up after finnish this thing that took me a whole year a gave it to a friends little bro now he is a frustrated w/ it as I was