Spaced Out Reviews?

My guess would be Dan Heaton and Syko Productions.


you can order them from bedford unicycles, syko productions (dan hasn’t putting anything on his web site about it yet but he does have some copies), or you can email me and i’ll send you a copy

puffity at


I think my favourite part as far as editting goes is Ryan’s cottage

(the little arm waves with the doodilydoo sounds were a fantastic idea!)

as well if anyone from the TCUC wants to buy a copy i will be visiting the Twin Cities in a week and a half and will have copies of spaced out with me for sale on behalf of puffity.

just look out for the tattooed Canadian guy.

my favorite part was Carl hoyer doing the muni. the rest of the dvd was just drops and hops and a little bc riding. at first i thought 22 min. was short but if it was 30min and the last 8 min. was just more trials i think i would have to turn it off. i dont think im wrong to say that hops and drops and crank grabs over and over gets old really fast.


  1. who is smoking the dubbie in the beginning?

  2. why is the camera tilted when Sara is riding that log? it just looks wrong?

  3. why is it when i go to “chapter selections” and choose the bails/crashes option it goes somwhere compleatly differant?

thank you,
Jaun Chillies

Personally, I would like to see more street action in these videos. I wouldn’t say that pure trials is boring, it’s just that street spices things up a bit. I’m sure Dan Heaton would have a longer section if he weren’t trying to lay off his feet.

Over all, I definitely don’t have any complaints about the movie.


My copy is in the mail, along with a copy of U2. I think it’ll be arriving Monday. I’m so stoked I can’t wait. My review will be coming after that.


Relax, it was just incense!

About my review, this movie kicks major butt.
The soundtrack is my favorite out of all the
unicycling movies I’ve seen. I liked the soundtrack
okay at first, but after watching the film a few
more times, I started LOVING it. I’m going
to try and see if I can get a movie soundtrack
from Jeff. Actually he told me he was thinking
about making one, so maybe we’ll see some
up for sale. eh?

The song “Rhythm” rocked my socks off.
People were getting annoyed cause I
kept humming the beat and rapping
the lyrics that I knew.



Your two DVD’s will be there Tuesday or Wednesday,
not Monday.

About Spaced Out…

The first person I sent a copy of Spaced Out to was the father of a 6 year old who got inspired to
ride after watching Universe 2.
His father said his son loves the music but he isn’t into the harder music used on Universe 2.

His son watched universe 2 daily for months. Then goes out and rides his unicycle. The kid even sings the songs now when he is watching the DVD.

He now watches Spaced Out daily as well.
His father likes the music in Spaced Out much better than U2.

After reading the posts about the few swear words
I called his dad to ask him what he thought of the song with the swear words and if it would prevent
him from letting his son watch it.

He said his son has heard those words before and that his son hasn’t mention them at all. He says
his son loves watching it and he wouldn’t stop him from watching it because of that. Not a problem they are there.

If his son did say them he would let him know that he’s not to use those words. Since he hasen’t said anything, no reason to bring it up.

I see all kinds of stuff on TV these days that are much worse than a few swear words.
Lots of kids shows are all about fighting and killing. Video games are even worse.
Swords, guns, blood, bombs…
That is the stuff that shouldn’t be shown to kids.

Get over it !
Add it to your collection… you will be glad you did.

By the way, all the posts created a flood of orders. I guess bad promo is good promo.
I hope Jeff sells enough to cover his costs and gets him enough to make a second DVD.

Jeff is a awesome guy with great intentions.
Support your fellow unicyclists. He put a lot of work into making this film for you.


Ya Jeff’s movie kicks big round ass!! The music is so cool.


I know, but does that mean I have to buy three more of his DVD’s? The first three were all the same. I keep looking for differences and Jeff says if I buy more I may get lucky. That seems fishy to me.

Different Dads, different rules and priorites. Are you a dad Darren? Or just in here to tell those that are that their concerns are misplaced because you talked to one that had a different opinion?

This isn’t about dissing Jeff at all. Gilby passed on some legitimate feedback from parents that he knows. I passed on some of my own. I still own the CD. A questionable choice of song–which the director himself admits he intended to bleep out–doesn’t negate the value of the riding, or the movie, or the awesomeness of the director, or the greatness of his intentions, or the legitimacy of the feedback from the viewing audience.

I think sometimes you should tone down the line of Professional Salesman in the middle of a discussion forum.



Re: Spaced Out Reviews?

On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 22:23:52 -0500, “harper” wrote:

>does that mean I have to buy three more of his DVD’s? The
>first three were all the same. I keep looking for differences and Jeff
>says if I buy more I may get lucky. That seems fishy to me.

Harper, man! You’ve got three identical DVD’s? How lucky you are! I
checked my (admittedly rather small) DVD collection and couldn’t even
find two that were identical. It is a complete mess of all different
items. If Jeff says that if you buy more you may have the luck of
acquiring more identical ones, I absolute believe he is right. So I’d
say go for it man. Three more and you have an identical sextet - how
rare would THAT be!

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“The more you think, the less you have to do. - Leo Vandewoestijne”

well is it really that big of a deal?

its like 14 or 16 $'s !

life aint over , over a few bucks.


first of all. Great vid Jeff…keep up the filming!
second of all…why is there so much controversy over one song…I mean…does the guy actually swear that much. I have seen the vid and im not the only person ive talked to that thinks that “Rhythm” the best song with the best beat on the dvd…no question. it gives everyone a break from all the “no lyric” songs and it fits Ryan’s bit perfectly. Point is…you notice television is opening up to foul language…movies and even more. So lighten up…enjoy the movie…and it could be used as a good time to teach kids what the word is and to not use it.


i finally got my own copy of spaced out.
but i’m right now waiting for phil to get his copy back so i can borrow it to watch it again.

why you ask?

no way in h*ll am i opening my copy!

i want it in mint condition because it’s so going to be a collectors item and i have a copy from the first run, especally with the unedited version of that controversial song in it!

anyways. i’m based in toronto and I liked spaced out better because i’ve met a large majority of the riders, and they’re supercool in person. but if you can’t come and meet them, this is the second best way to get to know them!

p.s. those menu screens kicked major a**

After watching Spaced Out a few times my favorite parts are when Ryan does ‘the Dan Doerksen’ pose and Jeff with all the ducks. :slight_smile:

My favorite riding is either the way Ryan makes his lines look so effortless or all of Kevins part.

The only minor constructive feedback I can think of right now is overall the scenery/background etc. is kind of drab, over-cast etc. It seems like such a minor thing, but having just watched The Collective beforehand there is a noticeable contrast.

Since Kevin started the thread, feedback for your part? All around it was definitely my favorite, maybe you could mix up the constant ‘down’ (clearing sets, grinding, etc.) with something else, some fancy stalls or something? The one footers and foot plant to grids were mind blowing.

Definitely check out the movie if you haven’t yet.

Great movie. I loved the music. I agree that “that” song was the best too. I liked Ryan’s urban part and Kevins part. Also Ryan’s summer riding location. Did anyone see the Dan’s sponsor thing. That was just great. I think one improvement could be the sound. I think having the sound of the uni hitting junk and just generally making noise adds a lot. It sorta puts you there ith the rider. I don’t know. It was a great vid and keep em coming.


i do not own a copy but saw it at NYMW. i think your opinion of the movie has a lot to do with what style of riding you prefer. i ride mostly trials so i would not have minded another 8 minutes of trials. since i dont really ride muni or street, if i owned a copy i would be tempted to skip those parts just because that is not what interests me in unicycling (those parts are definitely great, though). when i want to get psyched up for riding i pop in U2 but only watch chapters 4 and 8 because those are the trials sections. personally i loved the music, as that is the type of stuff i listen to. when we watched it, there was a lot of noise in the room so i didnt even pick up on any profanity. my only problem with it was that a lot of the time he camera angle did not really let the viewer see exactly what was going on. by this i mean it was often difficult to estimate distance, etc in the trials lines. also, expecially in the toque section, there were a lot of wheel shots. but overall good job.

for example…how high was Ryan when he finally got up the rock face via pedal grabs ?!? Holy crap!!!