Kris Holm is a brilliant unicyclist. Being that I am a unicyclist, however mediocre, I know this to be true and that the feats he accomplishes are not fake.
That said, much of what Kris does still seems vaguely impossible to me. And to be somewhat controversial, stupid beyond the imagination.
I am familiar with the Braveheart quote, “all men die, but not all men truly live” and other similar sentiments. And there is no doubt that if I could change something about myself personally I would choose to be more adventurous. But even given all the things that are within Kris’ control, there are too many things that are not to be doing the sorts of things he does. In my opinion.
You know how every once in a while you see another unicyclist or group of unicyclists doing trials or street or muni?
When this guy sees some, he’s gonna DIE pretty much.
He won’t know who did it, cannot blame unicycling, and affects how ppl will rate his videos, you arn’t going to rate a video thats a 2 a 5, if it deserves a 4, you’ll rate it a 3 on average…
EDIT: Oh crud, he has a lot of rating wouldnt matter much
Do you mean things like riding on the very edge of a giant cliff and such? What makes it more okay in my eyes is the fact that they are so dangerous, that he’s pretty certain to die if he falls in. Very small chance of crippling himself, which I think is worse.
Still, I’ll have the Catcher in the Rye, please: “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.” - Wilhelm Stekel.
Well, first off, I think we have to agree on the following statement: Unicycling is not a cause.
That said, and I’m going to assume for the time being that you agree, what one is willing to live or die for is a very personal thing. Martin Luther King said, “If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” To me this is somewhat at odds with the Stekel quote although I’m not sure King would have disagreed with the sentiment. I don’t know much about Stekel - other than that he wrote a seminal work on masturbation - but I have to give King the upper hand on commitment to a cause and a high degree of maturity.
Why not? Could be, at least for Kris. He did put a lot of himself into it, after all. Since he was a little boy and up to now. If that’s not a cause, what is?
I think the disagreement between two quotes is only superficial. MLK: discover something you will die for. Stekel: wants to live for. So, combining them together, the man can live for that cause all he wants, but will die for it if he has to. Doesn’t mean he wants to.
All I know about Stekel is the name and the quote, both from The Catcher in the Rye. It’s an interesting bit of information you provided. Thanks.
I don’t think that denying that unicycling is a cause, even at Kris’ level, diminishes what he has accomplished personally and professionally. I will maintain my stance that it is not, just as my new hobby of not collecting stamps, a hobby I am devoted to daily and excel at, is also not a cause.
You may be right. But only Stekel could say really had we had the chance to hear his opinion on King’s level of maturity.
I think this thread should be retitled “Someone surfs the net too much instead of seeking out real human interaction and is desperate for attention” Don’t feed trolls.