Somone thinks that unicycling is a hoax!!!

check out the comments to kris holm on youtube
and also to some guy doing freestyle

apparantly some idiot (xMyTube252x )thinks that people riding unicycles is a widespread and elaborate hoax… :astonished:

you have to scroll down a bit to see some of the really stupid junk he says…

come on, somone give him a live feed of them unicycling, he thinks its done with green screen… :roll_eyes:

Seems more like MyTube252 is the hoax.

If your going to spend this much time trying to prove unicycling is real you mine as well give up at life. Who cares what he thinks. He’s just trying to provoke a reaction.

It is a hoax.
Come on, seriously, balancing on top of one wheel?
That’s just absurd!!


…i just think its really weird…

actually, if you click on his name you see that it is a long standing youtube account…

xMyTube252x (1 week ago)
you guys do know that htis is fake. i cant believe you guys actualy believe this
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xMyTube252x (3 days ago)
uhh dont tell me what to believ. this is imposiblee. and everyone knows that. their is know way you could balance on oone wheele so you know what leave me alone cause i can see clearly now that the rain is gone.
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xMyTube252x (1 day ago)
k, now your just showing off. ITs called green screen idiot, you dont eve know what your talking about. you can just ride on one wheel in the mountain let alone the other shit is is doing. not without green screen
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xMyTube252x (1 day ago)
the point is, not that i can spell but green sceen is the key!
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xMyTube252x (1 day ago)
great edditing. it realy loks like your doing that. one of the bigger green screen ste i see. nice work
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I think dumbasses posting retarted comments on youtube is a hoax.

wait, wait… unicycling isn’t a hoax??

Actually, the mere fact that he thinks it’s “impossible” and that special effects are being used is really a compliment as to the great mastery and skill needed to do what KH does!

No no, it is.
These guys posting here are just really, really gullible.

I wonder if this guy is just dumb…or is actually a unicycler craving attention?

Nah he’s probably just being sarcastic.

I think that he is just plain dumb…

if he is just seeking attention then why are there so many mis-spelled words, sentance fragments, typos, ect.?











To throw you off!

yeah, a week sure is a long time…

it never crossed you that your muni was a unicycle?

He has invisible training wheels on his…