Some phlat from NZ


With my newly learnt varial rolls and stuff!
And a bail or two. :slight_smile:

cool vid.

Yussss! NZ’s next flat star is born! :stuck_out_tongue:

geez u carried on a fair bit at the start lol. awsome flat dude!

Just to make y’all jealous :slight_smile:

Sweet dude, keep it up:)

nice flat :slight_smile: good bails too.

You guys needa put out another group video soon. I wanna see some 540s, outflips and treys. Maybe even a doubleflip :o

Haha tim’s close to outflips and 540s :smiley: i’m sorta close to 540s… we’ll see XD
Me and tim are making a vid atm… it’s coming slow but its getting there. Will be finished by unicon hopefully :roll_eyes:

Bleh, Tim had outflips at uni weekend in Wellington hahaha… 2008! Come oooon :stuck_out_tongue: should have fulloutflips by now Timmy

Don’t worry, he’s just as pissed off as you are heh :wink:
If not more.

Hey Safey,

Will your friend’s Tim and the other guy be riding with us in Hamilton after Unicon too?

Of course :smiley:
There’ll be like… 8 of us Hamiltonians there

8!? Thats heeps! Are they all street/trial/flat unicycists?!

Mostly street/flat but yeah :smiley:

I suck so bad at trials it’s just not funny.