Snafu pedal problems

One of my snafu pedals that came with the KH24 started to sound a bit weird a while ago, at times it made a noise like metal hitting metal and I could also feel a snap through my foot at the same time. It was like it “locked” slightly in certain positions. It also rattled when I spun it.

So I took it apart to check what was going on and found that there was water and mud in the inner bearing. The steel balls had lost their shiny surface and looked kind of dull.

How do I know when the bearings should be replaced? The balls still looked round to me.

I replaced the balls on the inner side anyway and put it back together with a lot of grease but the pedal is just slightly better off than before. When I spin it and it stops spinning it kind of comes to a sudden stop instead gradually decreasing its speed. And it still rattles although somewhat less than before.

Maybe I put it back too tight? It is pretty difficult to tighten a pedal, any hints? Should I replace the other bearing too? Is there anything else that could be wrong with it?

Count the balls…

With similar problem I have imagined one ball was missing from outside bearing as inner one had one more ball.I have equlized number and it was much worse.
Not untill I have undone GOOD pedal I have discovered inner bearing had 11 balls and the outer 10 balls. May be this will be of help.:wink:

Bassicaly I have it in simpliar term its your bearing the easyes way to fix the problem is to ride with the pedals until they just die or buy new ones, also I guess you could just swap pedals off sometin else

I actually did count the balls - 13 in each bearing. It looked right to me.