Smile, it's June 23rd!

It’s official*, today is the happiest day of the year! Woohoo! :slight_smile:


  • Well, only according to a researcher in Cardiff, but that’s enough for me!

Thats wierd, because on my way to work this morning, i felt really happy. I usually hate going to work but today is going ok. Mabey its because its payday today, and its friday, which always helps!

Rock on!


Actualy i’m feelin pretty happy today, cos its my last day at college :slight_smile:
i can ride for three months after today YEAH!

anyone else feelin extra specialy happy?


Yea, I am. I have been real happy for about a week now.


You could have fooled me. I’m stuck in the house for at least 2 weeks and I’m already getting bored out of my skull, unable to drive and having to do everything one-handed. Have you tried tying up shoelaces one-handed?


Stop moaning. Make the most of it. It is probably the best chance you will ever have to learn ambidexterity. :roll_eyes:



Or to get some shoes that VELCRO closed!

I’m happy too, 'cause I’m off to Cornwall for the weekend later.

GK, if I were you I would go and get an ice-cream and eat it in the sun.

I’m happy cos it looks like summer has come back, after a week of winter.

I was really grumpy yesterday cos it was cold and windy. The day before my coker got blown sideways out from underneath me. I was going quite fast but managed to land on me feet. It was a strange feeling, the uni was blown sideways across the pavement.

I find it a bit worrying that my mood is so effected by the weather.

I’m also happy cos I’m at home on a study day and I have been studying hard. (Honest, that 10 mile unicycle that I went on along the prom in the lovely sunshine is just in your imagination). :smiley:


i was really happy today cause my pocket bike came, happiest i’ve been in ages, wow thats creepy…

I’m happy today because I tested my new Jim C pedals for my muni and they work really well.

And I’m going to the movies with some friends of mine. And I’ve been done school for 3 days now. w00t.

june 23rd, i thought i would post with the 22 minutes left of it for another year.

today did seem different. i found that i could uni alot better than i usually did. i tried one foot wheel walking for the first time in over a month and i learnt it in less than 5 minutes. i also did my first intentional jump on a BC wheel and landed it:D :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

sure ain’t MY happiest day.
i have to go to school.
my sister doesn’t have to, because she “graduated” middle school yesterday.
she had her friends over last night, and totally unthoughtfully yelled and screamed and ran around until two in the morning.

now i have no sleep, school is in an hour, and i have finals.

I’m in an entertainingly vile mood today.
Tell that to the researcher in Cardiff.
And you can shove your ice cream.

It’s the first day of summer vacation for me. Our dumb school got out really late this year… :frowning:

(I just noticed that post went from happy to sad! I want to end happily, so I’ll tell ya that I get to ride in a parade this Saturday!)

I heard the result of the study too! Since I woke up this morning, i’m on a terrible mood :angry: working bores me, customers on the phone are all dumbasses, I have a headake that won’t go away…

I Hope cokering back home in the sunshine will make my day…

…till the french soccer team gets out from the world championship after losing it’s match against Togo… they are so lame:(

BTW I read a good joke today:
“this evening : Togo - France”
“tomorow : go to France”

The 23rd was a good day.

My Nimbus II frame came today, then went to my girlfriends house, and we made cupcakes and a cakes, and got into a fight with the chocolate mix, then again with the whipcream, it was delicous!!! After that we watched some really funny show, dont remember what it was called, but it was good. =p

euphemisms for having sex

“we made cupcakes”, huh? I’m always amazed at the number of inventive euphemisms for having sex.

Whenever a buddy of mine doesn’t answer the phone in the morning, I know him and his girl are “making pancakes.” :smiley:

yesterday was my girlfriend and I’s three month