Man I have windows 98 computer
Okay, it’s downloaded. Now what?
i must admit tyler isint acctualy as bad as i thought
Wow, thanks, Andrew! Can you now take that out of your sig line?
Thanks! (again)
I just installed it
found tyler cox on the list, remembered he started this thread.
someone skype me if you want. i wanna try it out!
Because he hasn’t figured out how to post 10,000 pictures of himself through audio yet
Nah, man. Tyler just phoned me and he’s a cool wee guy!
Yea, it was fun talkin to Tom even if I could barely understand him! It was funny when he tried an american accent and I tried a scotish accent. He did really well, actually, he sounded kinda like a rapper. How did I sound, Tom?
eh, ventrilo is better.
You actually could understand him?
OK… he’s getting better. Or maybe I am…
When I was in the UK I could understand him, but I think he was trying hard and speaking slowly for me. I was actually able to understand him better than I could understand most the brits.
I called Tom last week at 04:20 AM GMT+1…
Then I dicovered his accent… and found out he was’nt from America.
I could understand him. Years ago I’ve done circus for a while in Scotland. I remember I had a hard time, but did pretty well. When I was leaving I was tired from spending so much concentration on understanding people. When I was about to leave, on the airport, I made a friend -an English acrobat- almost pee in his pants when I ask the employee behind the desk to if she could speak proper English.
Also it was nice to speak with Bruce (Yoopers).
And yesterday I had someone from Indiana who’d made his first ever Skype call to me, because he just searched on “unicycle”.
Ok I got it the funny part is my sister DL’ed it the day before I first saw this thread and I thought it was spy wear or something. I mean its called skype thats a strange name.
tnuarb is my user name.
look at this wierd add I saw on the top of the page of this thread
Skype was made by the makers of of KaZaA, which was spyware. Skype is not.
What you see is AdSense.
One other hylarious thing was a Skype user in the army. He got an unpleasant visit of some Militairy Police who start investigating what he was doing on his computer. When he said Skype they lost their stress. Skype calls are encrypted, and the admin was scared that top-secrets were flowing away.
Haha I talked to DREWATION for like 3 minutes. It was “hi” “Hi” “lots of breathing…” Tim “unicycle” Drew “yeah” Tim “So do you even go on xbox live?” Drew “sometimes” “I have to go.” Tim “bye” Drew “bye”
ah skype is great
my accent
You sounded different to what I expected. Your attempt at scottish was well funny, me n pebbles were giggling away!
Aye, man. I was! I remembered the puzzled look you gave me when I was introduced to you in Germany! And the subsequent strange looks whenever I spoke to you! I thought “cool, another english speaker” (it being Germany) but alas this was not the case.
At BUC a lot of people had bother understanding me!
I’ll try harder to speak slower and pronunciate n shit next time that thing rings!
So, what did you expect me to sound like, Tom? Like deeper or gothic or something?!?
Aye, man. I thought you’d be totally gravel voiced and husky sounding. As if you smoked 60 a day.
Nah, I actually thought you’d have a high-pitched squeaky voice and giggle loads. Turned out me n pebbles were giggling more than you!!!
Tom whats your username? or just contact me tnuarb.