Skinny riding

Nice riding, your balance is awsome. I like your clean style :wink:

Wooooooooo mike!

Thats some sick skinny riding! I’m suprised that piece of wood never moved!


i just recently got my first rev backwards on the rail.

Time to make an awesome video somewhere other than your house :wink:

i know m8 but there isn’t many riding places around i have to travel a bit. ill get round to making a vid esle where constantly wet here atm tho :frowning:

Wow!!! Great talent. Did you have your beam custom made or was it designed for some other purpose?

Sick balance. Your style is nice.

Nice! I bet you have a some nasty bails.

… I am going to have trouble in new zealand…

Sick… I need to start riding skinnes more

hes not going to unicon

ya… but you are…

lol true but your post was nothing to do with this thread haha

Theres some sick stuff mike can do near me, which isnt his house!!! we need to film it soon!