Skill explosion, Lutkus/Holm babysit the kid.

Some times you do stuff that make you think you’r watching somebody else. Er…uh…ya. You know, stuff that you thought was beyond you. Despite having a curved crown, I thought I’d try my hand (again) at riding one footed today. I’v done this for some distance unplaned while riding down a steep hill, or off road- untill I could get the foot back on the pedal, thank-you-very-much- but never intentionaly with any success.

Well, I went out armed with Sarah Miller’s advice on developing this skill, and lulled myself into a false sence of security by repeatedly chanting “Harper is almost 50 and he can do it, Harper is almost 50 and he can do it, Harper is almost 50…”. To my amazement, the foot started to come off the pedal, and stay off- for 2-3 rev’s anyway. I think I may have managed more, were it not for the fact that A) I start holding my breath as soon as the foot comes off the pedal, and B) when I start to succead, I can’t stop laughing. Some wierd combination of developed skills have contrived to allow me to at least start learing this skill- one which I had no real expectation of ever being able to perform- and it’s like I’m just a puppet.

So it got me thinking: what other skills that I viewed as formidible are now within my grasp? I then nailed 3 new mounts that I had struggled with only 40 days ago: Jump, rolling, and side. I have lots of room for improved form with all 3, but I can do 'em all without much thought. Yesterday, I managed to hop a flight of 2 massive 8" steps. Wow.

Anyway, thank-you-all who participate in the forum for shairing your skills and progress- I would never had made my own meager progressions without the proof of possability.

AND FINALY: 3 nights a week I have a 15 month old girl to look after. Naturaly, she thinks Unicycling is the greatest thing on the planet. When it’s time to put her to bead, she’ll cry for hours for her absent mother. 'Course, that wont do. So I put her in my lap in front of the computer and show her clips of Jeff Lutkus’s Skill Demos and Kris Holm from the 2001 NUC. Odd, but she thinks I am Mr. Holm- she’ll actually pick him out of the NUC trials flicks, point at me then him, and say “Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!” while trying to imitate Mr. Holm. She never does this when I show her Jeff’s Demo; rather, she promptly nod’s off to sleep. Those video clips are priceless! Thanks Jeff!


Way to go Chris. You da man. I went out riding on the University of Washington campus with John Childs today. He showed me how to do lots of really tiring stuff. He taught me how to hop up stairs, ride down beauty bark covered hills, ride on (and off of) ledges. We tried wheel walking for a half hour or so. I think our unmanned unicycles during the dramatic falls went further than we did when we were walking the wheel. I pretty much feel like I layed down on the pavement and someone beat me with a baseball bat so of course I’m looking forward to doing it again.

Now get back out there and rest that weak foot…you only need one wheel and one foot to ride.


My two year old gets breathing treatments from a nebulizer twice a day for his lungs. So we need to distract him while he’s on the nebulizer. And what, pray tell, does he like to watch?

UNiverse! yep, he calls it, “Bike”. Yessiree, I have seen that flick gawd knows how many times. Although, after 4 months, it only holds him for 10 minutes now every couple of days.

So what, I say. It beats “There Goes a Truck” for the nth time.

Will have to try Jeff Lutkus’ site, now.:smiley:

Work the maze.

Re: Skill explosion, Lutkus/Holm babysit the kid.

“Despite having a curved crown”

I learned how to one foot ride only a few weeks ago, and I can now go for about 50 rev’s up slight hills and 200 rev’s on flat ground. And my Hunter has TWO curved crowns;)



my daughter is 7 so the years of nebulizing are gone,now its the singilair pill (oh boy)

but we always found “There Goes an Airplane” best


If he gets bored of this maybe see whether he likes watching the new
video, One Tired Guy :).


Kris. — teachndad <> wrote:
> Hi,
> My two year old gets breathing treatments from a nebulizer twice a day
> for his lungs. So we need to distract him while he’s on the nebulizer.
> And what, pray tell, does he like to watch?
> UNiverse! yep, he calls it, “Bike”. Yessiree, I have seen that flick
> gawd knows how many times. Although, after 4 months, it only holds him
> for 10 minutes now every couple of days.
> So what, I say. It beats “There Goes a Truck” for the nth time.
> Will have to try Jeff Lutkus’ site, now.:smiley:
> Work the maze.
> –
> teachndad Posted via the Unicyclist Community -
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rhysling <> wrote in message

> AND FINALY: 3 nights a week I have a 15 month old girl to look after.

Good grief! Come on Chris, she is 17 months old. Even her mother didn’t
know and I had to correct her the other day at Little Tokyo 2. She was
born in August 2000, right? Thats at least 16 months, or 17 months if the
day of birth has passed already in Jan.

Remember, a year has 12 months, not 10.


Time passes slower when you can’t unicycle. I may have incorrectly applied this to both me and Sophie. (oddly enough, she doesn’t make me feel older than my years…that day will come, I’m sure)


Yes…unicycling is somehow relativistic.