Sickest night sess ever video soon!

poor irvinegr, you still haven’t gone to sleep;)

yeah, i think mr johansen is just messing w/ us getting us all excited, then he’s gonna be like JUST KIDDDING!!

unless hes learning to frontflip off of an elephant!!
since he’s in africa!!
just kidding

OH I’VE GOT IT!!! he says to be open minded and he says sick then someone got sick so maybe hes gonna make a video of someone sessioning who is sick and it wont be good but “sick”

That’s looking a bit into it. Stuff keeps coming up and we’re not sessing the spot that’s rad. So i don’t know if they’ll be one. I’m kinda down about it since they have stuff that i’ll never have the opportunity to do again. So i hope it goes down sometime. Either sunday night, or monday night. Or late late tonight.

-Shaun Johanneson

I hate when that happens!!!

I have had lots of rides that I have planned and then when it comes down to it, nobody can go, so I just ride by myself, but that is never fun.

Either do it or not. Waiting is annoying. This will probably be a let down.

Doubleflip, take it easy. You have been here just a couple days and already you are getting annoying. You can’t blame someone for not making a video because they were sick. Just chill out.


hey, I always ride by myself, its not all that bad!

Shaun shouldn’t be rushed. No one here should think for one moment that he HAS to make a video for us all to watch. He is making a vid first and fore most, for himself, so let him take as long as he wants and stop hassling him.
I more than anyone am looking forward to seeing the vid and I too am impatient, but no one here should turn nasty just cause it ain’t done yet.

Hope to see it soon Shaun.


So um…it actually was the sickest night session ever? I can’t tell anymore whether that’s good or bad.

Can and will.

maybe the key here is to no tell people about the video your “going” to make…
im sure it would have been good, but shaun you got 4 pages already for a video that hasnt been made… haha

just a thought,


…the evolution is coming…

I was thinking that.





Yeh, when?

Tonight we’re sessing that vid, and hopefully we make a day vid after we get back into warsaw. Should be good, i just want to have a memory video from my vacation in indiana. It was rad and I go back in two day. Sadly. Well gotta run.

-Shaun Johanneson

So, when is the video coming out?

are you being serious?

Yeah, has it come out already or something?