DUDE. You’ve got horns! I wouldn’t dare cross you even if I were driving a 16wheeler.
OK, so after 4,000 posts, and owning a total of about 10 unicycles, riding thousands of one wheeled miles, and sharing what knowledge I have with other unicyclists to help to promote the growth of the sport over several years, I am now unwelcome in the forum because today I got a bicycle?
Or is there something I missed?
you Uni
im a biker of all sorts and also a uni-er<—(? is that a word?). i have never heard anything but envy from other bikers, i have never been disrespected only because of the fact that i uni.
Everyday i walk to college ( i know i should unicycle) and each morning going up a steep hill on a narrow pavement this asshole on a b*ke speeds past me at 20+ mph. I have to practically stand in the bushes to avoid him.
He shouldn’t be riding on the pavement.
Next time stand your ground.
Take a picture of him with your mobile phone.
Ask him to say “Cheese.”
When he asks what you’re doing, just say “Taking a photo for the cops.”
I like bikes. It’s a fun, fast way to get where you want to go. Cyclists are cool to. Certain cyclists are jerks, but it’s biased to judge all cyclists based off of a few.
I do hate when people ask to ride though. I’m not going to stop my ride for them to certainly fall off, scratch my unicycle, and then give it back. Let me ride.
“Hatred for bikes and cyclists”?
Er… we’re all cyclists. Perhaps you mean “bicyclists” as opposed to “unicyclists”? What about tricyclists? Motorcyclists?
Hatred is a strong word.
I was a keen member of the Cyclists Touring Club for years and sat on the local DA committee for a while. I was also in the Tandem Club, and the Rough Stuff Fellowship (off road bicycling before mountainbikes). I still have a single speed road bike and an 800cc motorcycle.
I forgive you for hating me.
Go in peace my child.
abusive cyclists
had a fare share of abusive gits on bikes,car drivers walkers just about anyone but men are worse ,section on it in latest uni magazine , got asked by a local old coffin dodger on a bike ,he stopped me and my friend then asked whats the point of unicycling ,spotted him behind me at traffic lights in his car about week ago ,i was in my car, lights changed to green i waited until they changed back to amber and left the old shit stuck at the lights lol
or should I say
Back on Track
Last Tuesday on my Muni, a girl on a mountain bike ran into my rearend. All I heard was, I’m sorry-I’m sorry! Bam, she ran directly into me from the backside going down hill, Two other bikes already went by and I was over to the side. Then her boyfriend shows up and starts with “Why don’t you watch where your going” She starts crying and holding her wrist, so he attends to her. I slip away. Gosh my back aches and scrapped knee hurts.
I don’t know, is it the out of control person in general?
Oh Yeah.