When I am on a unicycle, it can be annoying how the bicyclists treat the fact that I am riding it, but to tell you the truth, I bike a lot to get here and there, I can’t say I really hate it, or people who do it.
I can’t find hatred for cyclists. Most that I meet are perfectly pleasant. I cycle throughout the year (mostly because no-one else I know can ride a uni) and I frequently commute on my bike during the summer months.
There’s always going to be morons out there, but I’d forgive the cyclists because at least they’re doing something right.
Unicycling really disagrees with the need-for-speed mentality that prevails in our society. People will always view you with bafflement over why you didn’t choose something faster. It’s their loss. The enjoyment in the skill of the ride evades them.
I normally bike when my unicycle needs maintenance or repairs. I don’t really care what bike riders say (unless its something positive ;))
I say let bike riders be bike riders. If the want to tease us then so be it.
If unicyclists want to be unicyclists. Then if they enjoy doing what we do. Who cares what others say or do.
The only thing I don’t like about them is when they ride without hands on the steering and wait for positive comments and admiration.
But I never had any negative experiences with two wheelers.
I do hate cars, that see you riding on the side of the road and start driving slowly, 20 cms behind you and watching
I’ve generally not had any problems like that when on the unicycle on the bike path. But if I’m on the bike path I’m on my Coker and going at a medium speed for the bike path. I’ve not had anyone pull in front of me and then slow down.
If someone does do that don’t be shy about yelling at them. I’m generally a shy and reserved guy but I’ve been known to let fly some verbal retribution to people who behave badly on the trail.
One humorous experience that left me perplexed was when a car stopped, blocking the crosswalk for the trail, rolled down the passenger side window, and then proceeded to congratulate me for stopping at the stop sign for the trail. What? What kind of pompous driver does that? Meanwhile he was holding up car traffic behind him. I’m just left there speechless thinking WTF.
It’s an intersection where the trail crosses a road. There is a stop sign on the trail. The car traffic does not have a stop sign.
Riding on a bike trail gives you a lot of perplexing and sometimes exasperating experiences.
ohhhhhhhh thats what I get. grrrrrrrrr it anoys me I usualy stop and start pedaling backwards
Hatred is a poison in your soul. Breathe out your hatred, breathe in love. Realize no one is perfect, and look upon them with love and compassion.
With love in your soul the world is a brighter place in which to live.
I hate myself. And my bikes too.
Seriously, though. As annoying as it can be when people assume you’re unstable and will fall on them, we should all expect it. Especially when confronted with a split second decision, others will judge you based upon their experiences and common perception. And, for most non-unicyclists, unicycles are scary and impossible to ride.
Run over their feet. It feels great!
Usually this only works if they’re doing the “I’m going to trip you” pose, with a foot sticking out. Run right over it and usually they’ll be impressed! If they pull it back at the last minute, that also means you’ve won. They flinched. I’ve done this many times, usually with people who know me.
If it’s obvious he’s doing it to mess you up, have an “accident” into the side of his bike. Especially effective on a Coker. Dismount to the rear and let fly. If you’re on a 20" that won’t be very effective. Better to ride all the way up to the bike and help it “fall over” toward the rider if he’s on the other side of it.
Both of those suggestions, from a legal standpoint, are assault of course. I don’t really mean it. Long as we’re talking about such things, if the guy stops sideways to block the path, ride around the non-road side and give him a little V-8 smack on the forehead as you go past. He’ll think twice next time.
If assaulting someone is not something you want to do, just mutter “A##hole” as you ride past them.
Or, if you want to stay “above” them and not play into their taunting, simply ride around them. That’s probably what I would do.
Acan do this dismount thing were you jump off backwards and pretend to run it out, works great for people who jump out at you
I cannot stand skaters, they always have something agianst it if they are no good, if they are any good they usually have respect for it.
I can’t see hating bicyclists either. There’s stupid people in cars, on bikes, and probably a lot on uni’s too. I uni all over the place here, and people are honking, cheering out car windows, pedestrians wish I’d stop to chat for 1000 questions, and bicyclists usually onlook with envy. I’ve never heard a bad remark yet.
What can bicyclists really say anyways??? 4 year olds ride on 2 wheels…how hard is it?
Of course odd remarks are usually common when people see the horns…not so much the uni!
I don’t think I have ever seen someone with that body modification before. What exactly is it? Looks painful.
this is a good story of the perks of unicycles, and the uhhh… not perks of bikes…
me and my 9 yr old neighbor were riding our bikes, and i just got a new bmx… my neighbor wanted to ride it, and he was used to pedaling backwards for the breaks. i told him everything, and he went full speed on my bike, and yells, HOW DO YOU STOP THIS THING!!! and he crashes into the curb, pops my tire, and bends my handlebars backwards… screw bikes…
now whenever i get a new uni, he cant ride it. or anyone near me for that matter.
I have the second biggest horns in the world next to my buddy Louie @ MexicanMutant.com.
They’re cast silicone implants. The forehead pieces are transdermal implants which are removed now since the photo. They were 316LVM stainless steel and had removable threaded attachment pieces…No they weren’t ISIS either, and they didn’t fit K1 cranks!
Finding a good fitting helmet sucks, but overall compared to all the goofs on here snapping ankles and whatever else on uni’s…it didn’t hurt so bad.:o
sorry are they stainless or silicon? I’ve seen various transdermals cut from surgical silicon block (on websites, www.bmezine.com to be precise) but never cast, and i’ve never seen stainless implants that big under the skin.
EDIT: Ok this is a huge threadjack, and don’t click that link if you don’t like that kind of business.
horns are casted silicone, and the center forhead pieces are from stainless…10 year old technology. Most are Ti now.
It all makes for great conversation while unicycling. People either steer clear, or won’t leave me alone for hours with thier q’s.
I’m a tattoo artist though so it makes for FANTASTIC business.
Same with a fixed gear bike with eggbeater clipless pedals. One might be tempted to consider that combination to be casual theftproof.
I race mountain bikes so i see lots of idiot riders…doesn’t mean i’m going to stop riding. I’d be more worried about cars…drivers normally hate road riders and i have had people that try and pass when traffic is coming the other way. I get more respect on the trails and the road when i’m riding my uni then when i’m on my bike.
I like bikes, and most bikers. Specially the ones I meet at beacon hill (local DH trails where I live) All of them are interested, nice, and always looking for a partner to ride the trails.