Sets Mondain to Sets Insane?

i bet i could clear a 6 stair and i dont even care about it like some do.

Hey. If youre just straight out hopping, I think a 9 set is getting toawrds and amazing set. For tricks, I’d say 7 is insane for most, and 6 for some technical ones. Then theres you Shaun, who does trey flips down lkie 4s or 5s or whatever it is, and thats insanely ridiculous. Theres my opinion.


I think you need to ride faster towards it…if you go fast enough, then if you hit the bottom step or so you should just fly forward, shouldn’t really hurt though. its happened to me many a time.

I like short7 sets. I can ride a comfortable speed, and still gap them with room to spare. Very rarely am I intimidated by them, but they are still impresive when you pull tricks down em.

I’d say jumping 10 long is pretty insane, though i’m sure an experienced street rider who is comfortable with a 24", could get comfortable with them.

I did a pretty big 10 stair in welly, snapped off my KH crank doing it too (04 model) but then landed it on pete’s uni with 05 cranks :smiley:
But yeah that was pretty insane, there was a 12 stair I was looking at, had one shot at it but it felt so crazy i didnt really fully commit and like landed in the middle lol

well well… I think a 6 is a normal size… but the only tricks I rlly do over stairs are : 180’s , backtire grabs and some 360’s… but I think that it gets pretty insanse after 6…but I dono I dont really care about the size of the stairs or how many there is it’s all about the trick,the style and the smoothness…Oh yea I 180ied a 7 I hope that’s insane… Im trying a 8-9 soon tho… I think that’s amazingly insane…

I’d say for me that anything 5 and below is mundane, but 5 and above is a good challenge, the biggest i’ve landed was a huge 9.

Well, that’s it. I’m going to look for some good stairs :confused: All the good stairs we have here are 5 sets, they’re pretty fun to do, but I don’t see myself 180ing down them just yet :stuck_out_tongue: Actually, might be worth a shot, going to try that today… if it worked you’ll be hearing it tonight, if it didn’t…

6 or below is mundane, but good for tricks. 7 is a challenge but i have a pretty good success rate on them now. 8 is just insane.

make sure you have lots of air in your tire when you jump stairs because its really easy to pinch-flat on the last step.

i dont believe anyone has tricked off a 9 yet? that is insane… mundane though would be 6s

gapping… something i cant clear… 12s

I dont think you can get enough speed on a 19" for a 12… u’d probly have to swtich to a street 24…

I think Kris Holm could be the ultimate huge stair set jumper, if he tried. Anyone who’s seen Universe 2 and other stuff with him clearing huge rock/log gaps would know…

I donno, he has a huge static hop for just gaps, but down stairsets, hmm, I donno.

I’m not so sure because the world record for gapping is on a 19"… I think the biggest problem with clearing 12s and over is that even if you land nicely a splined hub/crankset is likely to bend or break… so it’s pretty extreme to do it without videos and sponsors involved!

I see the mundane to extreme switchover between about 5 and 6.

Haha I showed by brother a video of munimanpete clearing a 10set and my brother cracked up coz apparently his flatmate had chickened out of doing that exact same stairset on his $6000 full suspension bike a few weeks earlier :smiley:

can i find that clip somewhere?

I second that, I wanna see!

JK did a tiregrab down 9 in his last video (with Jeff Groves) I think. For me 1 -4 are all the same, 5 and 6 are good for some tricks (like hard or tech ones), and starting to get impressive to straight gap. 7 is a decent gap and really good with tricks. 8 and 9 is great with any trick and a good straight gap. Everything above is insane. I’ve tricked 5 plenty, 6 a little and just straight jumped 7. Just until recently 5 was pretty impressive to trick for me but not really anymore.

I’d say 7 is when it gets insane if I had to pick just one.


i’ve not tried any steps but i will wheni get some where i can ride

i can shifty down a 7 set.

For me, seeing how i havent gotten my trials uni yet and dont wanna risk breaking the one i use for casual riding (specially after i just fixed it) i havent been able to personally find which i would call insane, but…

once i get my uni =p ill be starting 1 sets, then a 2, and 3, probably be doing 5 by the end of my first day, so for me 5 will be mondain, and 7+ will be my insane.

From all the videos ive seen though, for a lot of the ppl out there around 10-12 would be their insane, and they make those look easy…