That’s tough as nails, but whats up with the guy filming and not doing anything?
lol pwnt
In the beginning of the video, it looks like the guy drops his deadly tripod. Why didn’t this serial killer just film another deer to death?
Is that a tripod? I thought it was a bow. After stopping the video and looking at the initial frames I honestly don’t know what that is.
Billy, can you append this text: &fmt=18 to the youtube url for this video, that should give us a better quality version if such is available. We need to know if the killer uses a tripod or a bow to kill his victims.
[edit: nevermind, I figured out how to grab the url myself from your post and tried it, with no luck. here’s the resulting url for anyone else who wants to see if they can see it better]
After looking at the higher quality video, I think you are right. My bad. In that case, LOL!!! Go deer! (not that I really have anything against hunting – especially when the hunted fight back)