Send The Spice Girls to Baghdad

You know you want to!

Baaaaaasically, they’ve got thing at the moment where they’ve asked people to vote for their city and whichever city gets the most votes is where they’ll perform a gig on their tour.

You just have to enter an e-mail address but they don’t verify it.

I know the folks in Baghdad have already got a lot on their plate at the minute and it seems rather cruel to inflict yet more pain on them but just imagine…

Maybe the various factions would unite in revulsion and shift the focus of their anger toward The Great Satan(s) that is yon Spice Girls and score two magnificent blows for all mankind…

The ending of conflict in Iraq and the demise of The Spice Girls.

Oh what a happy day that would be.

The scary part is why the hell were you looking for the spice girls :astonished:

Fashion tips.

Gah, now I have a mental image of Boogie in a Union Jack mini skirt!
Get out of my head!
It burns!

Actually, the suspenders do chafe a bit.

Kit, can I send it round on e-mail withh your text?

It could end up being one of those things with everyone forwarding it to each other and then off to Baghdad they go…

There’s already a lot of people already sending this round apparently.

I read about it in, dare I say it, The Sun (I had to put together some questions for a news quiz at work…Honest).

Please do send it round as much as possible.

It’s for the best.

I’ve just voted under a bogus email. I guess as they’re unverified we could each vote hundreds of times.

Nothing wrong with the spice girls, i registered for tickets to the uk show =] sad but still they are my era! woop!

Give the man a jaffa cake.


Do it.

Your a girl and all guys who listen voluntarily to the spicegirls are mentally retarded or gay.

Baghdad?! I’m voting for San Jose so I can get my Spice on! :stuck_out_tongue:


Shut up I already knew I suck at grammer.

You suck at speeling too.

I put my vote in. It’s a good cause. :smiley:

Okay, I just voted on behalf of Josy Petercheck. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.

And your point is?asshole

Hey Joe! I landed a 360 unispin(almost a month ago now).