semcycle shipping

i am new to the list, but i have no learning-to-unicycle story yet (other than
recalling that using crutches seemed to help 15 years ago, in trying to learn to
ride the old, tiny-wheel-short-cranks-possibly-unridable (i need an excuse)
little unicycle picked up from a garage sale for $5. that is, they seemed to
help, but i never progressed past them).

right. anyway. so i’m hoping for a heartwarming story of near-death experiences
overcome into the blooming of a perfect unicyclist in a couple weeks. meanwhile
what i’m doing is waiting for my semcycle to arrive from semcycle in michigan.

anyone have any recent experiences with semcycle, especially for knowing how
long shipping from them might take (the unicycle should have been shipped
tuesday from michigan, destined for me in california)?

anyone have any suggestions for how to trick friends into walking next to me
having me rip off their arms for a while several times a week? i was thinking,
maybe i could get them to give me apples for the privilege or something, but
then i was thinking maybe that wouldn’t really work.


Re: semcycle shipping

In message <> Qarin Van Brink writes:

> i am new to the list, but i have no learning-to-unicycle

Me too… BTW, a bit of a technical question - how can I change the mailbox I
want the list sent to? I don’t want to STOP getting the list, I just don’t want
it sent to my private mailbox…

> right. anyway. so i’m hoping for a heartwarming story of near-death
> experiences overcome into the blooming of a perfect unicyclist in a couple
> weeks. meanwhile what i’m doing is waiting for my semcycle

I took a few months, but since I got mine for Christmas I couldn’t really
practice outside much until February or so…

> anyone have any suggestions for how to trick friends into walking next to me
> having me rip off their arms for a while several times a week? i was thinking,
> maybe i could get them to give me apples for

Actually, having people walk with you doesn’t help all that much. Get a nice
doorway, or hall, or anything that will let you grab in any direction. Get on,
and move about a bit until you are comfortable (become ‘one’ with the uni <g>)
Then go as FAST as you can. Remember, at high speeds inertia keeps you up (try
biking slow without touching the handlebars) Mark how far you go. I keep moving
a few inches further each week, but never getting past 10 feet or so … until
… that one morning I got on, and rode about a mile falling only once. Miracle!
It could happen to you, too!

> -Q

(Unresistable Star Trek quote:) If ‘Q’ were female, would he be ‘O’?

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Re: semcycle shipping

> anyone have any recent experiences with semcycle, especially for knowing how
> long shipping from them might take (the unicycle should have been shipped
> tuesday from michigan, destined for me in california)?

No experience with Semcycle, but where are you in California? I’m in Oakland.

> anyone have any suggestions for how to trick friends into walking next to me
> having me rip off their arms for a while several times a week? i was thinking,
> maybe i could get them to give me apples for the privilege or something, but
> then i was thinking maybe that wouldn’t really work.

It worked for Tom Sawyer, why not for you? :sunglasses: But seriously, via the people on
this list, you may well find willing victims, I mean helpers. Also, the USA
(Unicycling Society of America) has a roster that lists active clubs. There may
be one near you.

Welcome to the fray! and Stay on Top!

| o | | Mark Schecter /|\ | “Please identify yourself.” |
| << | (Self checks pocket mirror) |
| | | “Yes, that’s me.” |
| | | |
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