Any uni or juggling in eastern Tennesee, or the Greenville-Spartenburg area of South Carolina, or Asheville, NC? I have a buddy in Asheville, NC who wants to encourage his 10 year old son with some skills. He’s noticed the kid likes juggling, and wants to expose him to more.
So for my buddy (a chiropractor), are there any gatherings, or clubs, or kids who enjoy the sport – in these areas??? Who might be willing to share and show some skills?
I would be very suprised if there weren’t any jugglers. if you want I could film some juggling patterns, but alot of people could proabaly do them alot better than me…
This would not have been possible before this wonderful Unicyclist.Com.
He’s actually NOT a chiropractor–and I cannot seem to get him out of hibernation. PMd him when you posted, still no response…
Got some leads out of this thread, though. Who knows, maybe a few more to come!
This would not have been possible before this wonderful Unicyclist.Com. Thanks Gilby!!!
Keith is most definitely a Chiropactor. And Billy I am amazed you have friends below that Mason/Dixon Line. Been slumming? Keith just outside of Pigeon Forge, TN.