I was just wondering if anyone else on here had taken the SAT’s recently. I made an 1860 on mine but i don’t really care to take them again (mostly because I’m not going to a traditional college–I’m going to study homeopathic remedies, reflexology, energy healing, and the such after becoming a certified bartender once i graduate). Anyways, I was hoping some of you might share your opinions on a good score for the SAT’s. Compared to the rest of my school this is fairly low and I was told to take it again.
Nah, I don’t need a standardized test to tell me how smart or not-smart I am.
I have the search feature for that.
the search feature is booty.
The search feature is to booty as a trials tire is to _______
Do they still have those types of questions on the SAT?
As far as I know, no they don’t. Apparently they were too difficult. Isn’t that the point?
Yup. I just checked Wikipedia and the analogy questions are gone. The analogy questions were the stereotypical SAT questions. If you wanted to make jokes about the SAT you made jokes about the analogies.
From Wikipedia:
Well I already made a thread about this, and despite podzol’s possibly jumping on me again, you did ask. I got a 2220.