Is this the new SAT or the Old SAT. I never took it, I took the ACT, apparently it’s similar or something, but I do have a conversion chart.
I did pretty bad though. In my general scores I did the best in Math, then second best in Science.
According to the conversion chart I got a 1060-1080 in Critical Reading+Math.
I’m pretty sure if it had writing in it though it would have dropped down a ton.
I am going to retake it, and for free though. I also took the ACT the first time for free. I don’t think I’m going to take the SAT though.
I have always wondered about the word Math. Does it require an (s)? I grew up with maths, you guys seem to do math, my father does math. maybe that is why i was not all that good at it. All those failed Math tests and here i was trying to do maths…
I took the old one waaaay back. Someone smart at the ministry decided that they’d have us take the SATs in addition to the GCSEs (British equivalent) for university qualification. The next year it got scraped.
I had a very similar score as yours, dudewithasock - 690 for verbal and 740 for math.
No, I didn’t study at all. I wasn’t able to - I had my 3-hour IB standard level Physics test that same week and focused all my studying efforts on that, since it was a much harder test.
damn you guys are smart! i got 1780 on my sats and 29 on my acts… im pretty proud of my sats, i fell asleep on my desk inbetween most of the sections and still did almost good.
I took the SAT a few weeks ago. I don’t think they give you the results untill like 3 months afterwards?
Wow 2220 is pretty good. I have no idea how I did, I’ll just have to wait and see… I know I could have answered more questions, but that stupid time kept running out so I skipped around and did the ones I knew I could do.
My essay was pretty good but it wasn’t very long. Just that one first page.
I’m sure my reading score will be higher then math, as usuall…
I did a total of 30 seconds of studying for my SAT in HS… took a look through the mondo list of vocabulary and promptly sh*t-canned it. I have no patience for English studies. I got a 780 on the math and a 560 on the reading.
The test was for naught. I did all my lower division studies at a community college then transferred into a state school to finish my degree (with honors). No one ever asked to see my SAT scores.