Rules of the Trading Post

This is the rules thread, not the post you item for sale thread, that what this whole sub-forum is for.

any parts for sale

well hi i have just got into this sport… and i want to build my oun uni
mabe a koxx so all help would be cool


little question, i don’t want to open a new thread, is there some unicycle selling compan
y that ships worldwide, like southamerica ?

All of the internet retailers do, is a good place to start.

36" road cruiser for sale

Nice 36" uni for sale, I am building a geared 36" so I am selling this one
Price $425. Ship in USA only, I will package and ship for you, or you pick it up
It’s in excellent shape, some minor scratches see photos, it’s in California zip 93067 Comes with 125 and 150 cranks
my email address cell ph 805 895 9909


Can someone tell me how to delete this


Is there somewhere to leave feedback for completed sales? Thnx, Berg

Since the edit button goes away after 10mins how can you mark or change the original post.
I have another uni I want to sell do I just start a new thread or ad it on to my other thread but if I ad it on I can’t change the posting title because no edit button.
Its a, Longneck 20" Kris Holm with a Nimbus wheel new condition, everything is Kris Holm but the pedals and the wheel. can you ad that to my other posting title if not I will start a new post.

You can just start a new post. Also if you don’t want the old post anymore you can lock it so no one can comment.

24" (100cm bearing wide) frame wanted (USA)

In my endeavor to build my first coaster unicycle I purchased a used but good 24" Torker Unistar LX. 24" is a nice wheel size I must say. I was excited to receive the d-brake kit and Nimbus Disc Trike hub from UDC. Unfortunately they gave me the wrong hub–the one without a disc plate attachment even though I specified that one in my order.

In an effort to determine my rim’s ERD I unfortunately stripped the threads of one of the cranks, so it’s stuck on the hub. I took the spokes and hub apart from the rim only to discover that the frame is not the necessary 100mm bearing pitch to fit the freewheel hub. My goal now is to put this unicycle back together (which I will either keep, trade, or sell) and find a suitable frame. I also have a few other parts lying around from other projects.

I wanted to ask if anyone has a fork/frame that can accommodate a 24" wheel and that has a 100mm bearing pitch (center of bearing to center of bearing) that they would be willing to sell or trade for something? I’m trying to keep this project as inexpensive as possible! Let me know if you can help.