RTL: Well, why not a qualifying ride in Central Park?

David Stone, Team CENTURIONS:
"April 16, 2008
Just completed my qualifiers today. Because of hilly and windy
conditions, I was able to qualify with rides of 63k each. The riding
was around the loop in NYC’s Central Park, which has a length of almost
exactly 10k and an elevation/descent of about 137m. There were gusting
winds for most of the morning yesterday, but today the wind was nowhere
near as strong.

I budgeted 6 hours for the first ride, partly because I’d neglected to
check just how much the conditions affected the rating of each ride.
Just before I went to bed before day 1, I realized that I didn’t need
to ride 80k but only needed about 65. Then the winds hit! Still, I
managed to finish in under 3 hours. Then today, armed with the
experience of the previous day, I gave myself 4 hours – until I got
delayed in traffic heading into NYC (I live 80 miles north). I managed
to complete the riding in 3 hours again before racing back to my office
for the afternoon.

The only thing sore at this point is the spot above my right ankle –
maybe from my mild UPD on day 1.

Make sure to drink enough!

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