RTL: Qualifying ride: freezing weather, fog and darkness

In February, 2008, RTL World Headquarters received this newspaper report from Essen, Germany:

"Arne Tilgen of Essen becomes the first rider from Germany to qualify for “Ride The Lobster” in Nova Scotia, Canada.
After one hour with the local media, Arne was finally able to begin the first day of his qualification ride. Sixty kilometres from Essen, he left his escort, Holger (on a bicycle), in pain. But Arne continued on in sub-zero weather and into darkness, wearing a battery-operated bicycle light. His drinking water froze. To make matters worse, he rode 10 kilometres off-target, to the wrong town.

Arne’s second day began from Nehein, again in cold weather. The route was uphill most of the way, up to 16% slopes with the hardest stretch near Assinghausen. A flat tire did not help.
The final stretch of his ride was, again, in the dark, through forests, over snow and ice. He met up with his colleagues at the end then cooled his bare feet in the Ruhr river, despite sub-zero temperatures."


The year before, we wrote his university examination about the history of unicycling. He studied to become a secondary school teacher for sports and geography. His thesis can be found here: https://einradfahren.de/informationen/geschichte/ (German, PDF is linked from there).
The year after RTL, Arne travelled throug South Africa via bicycle and unicycle.

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Arne, brother! You rock! :smiley::star_struck::muscle::fire::fire::fire::fire::muscle: