Rolling Stone Review of "Superbad"

Anybody seen this movie yet? Supposed to be hilarious! Rolling Stone gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars! (Of course that doesn’t mean you’ll like it.:stuck_out_tongue: )

Here’s the review and synopsis:

It is a very very dirty movie.
Very very dirty. Lots of foul language, but I was laughing like crazy through most of it.


Now I KNOW I will see it! :stuck_out_tongue:

To tell you the truth, I’m surprised they were able to make a trailer for it.
They’re not very many scenes that would be clean enough to put in the trailer.

The trailer makes it seem clean, almost innocent. But after reading all these reviews and hearing about the dirty jokes, I really wanna see it.

I was disappointed. My sister’s friend gave it rave reviews, and I loved Micheal Cera in Arrested Development. It did have a few funny parts, but mostly was about sex, drinking, and partying…and I didn’t find that funny.

He is the absolute perfect George Michael (although all the characters in AD were cast perfectly…best show ever). Is he at least good in this movie?

He’s the same old George Micheal…a little more vulgar though. He just can’t shine without the rest of the dysfunctional family around him :stuck_out_tongue:

Mostly? You mean there is something other than those three things involved in the movie? When?

Doesn’t McLovin look like Ryan Woessner?

I didnt like it. At all really. Some parts were okay but mostly it was really bad. This is probably the only movie ive ever seen that I wish i hadnt. I know alot of people will like it and im not trying to change your minds or argue it just wasnt very good.

I think you mean it was Superbad.

If you go into the movie, or any movie knowing that the content will consist of plently of “bathroom” humor, profanity and ZERO political correctness, then you really can’t complain about the those aspects; but the acting, storyline, directing and things like that are fair game. :smiley: This movie is not supposed to be taken even slightly seriously, and has no redeeming social value, but it can still be funny as hell! ANybody remember “Porky’s”? This type of movie is nothing new. There’s “raunchy” humor, and sophisticated humor, (and lots of gradations between) and I would say this one leans heavily towards the former, which doesn’t necessarily make it un-funny or “super” bad. I’ll see for myself Monday! :slight_smile:

Here’s a list (compiled by AOL) of other “raunchy” movies from the past; most were very successful.

Animal House
Kentucky Fried Movie
Weding Crashers
Knocked Up
40 year old Virgin
Police Academy
Blues Bros.
Bad Santa
Coming to america
TEam America World Police
Blazing Saddles
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
American Pie
Bachelor Party
South Park bigger badder & uncut
This is Spinal tap
Something about Mary
Old school
Caddy shack

I’ve seen “slapshot” and “40 year old virgin” and they are nothing compared to “superbad.”
I think onelesscar and timbob have a point though. Once you get past the fact that every other word is a swear word of some sort you will find it funny.

40 year old virgin I thought was really funny. Did you not like it, nick?

I liked 40 year old virgin, it’s just that after watching superbad it seems a bit like watching bambi.

I just went in saw it, and I thought it was hilarious.

my favorite scene is when the guy is in the liquor store and is dreamin:D

Haha, that was good, my favorite was the home ec. scene.