Rollercoaster Muni

Same situation as the one that happened to me while filming for my latest video :o It happens to me all the time so I am used to it. It usually happens after rolling drops where the cranks are not horizontal. For me the combination of 661 race braces and high top shoes help a lot.

I hope your injury heals soon.

I’ve heard this causes more severe problems in your knee.

Apparently, from the advice I have heard, it is better to ride with your toes on the pedal. For one, you have more length to absorb shock, and then two joints (ankles and knees) to absorb it. It might cause more injuries in your ankles whilst you adjust, but it certainly beats the kind of injuries you’ll get in your knees if you don’t.

Running has similar problems. The development of foot-ware has led to more athletes having issues in their knees, and the reason for this has been put down to athletes running on their padded heels instead of on their toes (I can’t find a link). It makes sense when you look at the sprinters in the animal kingdom, where natures survival-of-the-fitest (or, only the best way will survive) method ensures the best traits for animals in different areas are kept.

Actually, I’m now having a hard time trying not to imagine athletes running in high heels…

You can see that I was trying to get the cranks horizontal and didn’t quite get there. I also prefer landing right foot back. Watching it in slo-mo, it looks like my right foot is driving to get the cranks around and adds to the torque on my left foot as a land. This happens occasionally and I am fine, but this one really hit it hard.

I understand, but I disagree, at least in the case of a big muni tire. When I remember to slide my feet forward a bit, I feel better landing off a drop. The 24X3 tire absorbs plenty, then my seat is low enough for a comfortable compression, so my quads can absorb it more easily. At least my knees have never hurt from such a landing, whereas, we’ve all had this happen to our ankles.

Of course, I have to be ready for the bump to think of moving my feet, so maybe it’s the “being ready” that smooths my landing. I also never drop big onto flat, because my legs have already taken a lot of abuse in their lives.* I actually use an ankle brace to muni - and I may get another.

*a ton of ultimate, years of ski-bumming, lots of running (in those damned running shoes that you speak of!)

Ah, but that is the difference between short term and long term damage. You won’t notice the knee issue till serious damage has been done to the cartilage in your knee, at which point, you need invasive surgery to fix. Your ankle on the other hand will have short term problem that hurts like hell at the time, but only requires bed-rest to recover.

Either way, landing on both feet (pedals flat) is a sure fire way to half the chances of damage.

Oh, and the shoes are a good thing in a lot of ways, for example, they forgive you a lot more for running incorrectly in them, where you would usually wind up with an injury.

Hmm…maybe so.

Definitely so!

cool video. awesome environment to ride in!

Thanks, if you’re ever on this side of the planet, stop by! You can stay in my guest quarters, we’ll ride the trails, and then hang out on my deck drinking a beer a watching the sunset on the mountains. :slight_smile:

Hmm…what about a guy from only across the continent? If I’m ever down in the desert, you may find me begging beer (and muni).

How’s the ankle?

Let me know if your ever in the neighborhood. I’m more than happy to have someone to ride with. :slight_smile: Still no pain in the ankle just swelling. I have been wrapping it and that seems to help. Only minimal swelling this morning.

Here is a picture taken from my back deck this winter.

Holy shEEEt! That from your back deck? I’ll be there in three hours.

Yup, that is zoomed in a bit, but that was taken from the deck. Here are a couple more, sunset from the deck and looking at the mountains from the street in front. I have to admit that I am lucky to live where I do. :smiley:

Hahaha, definitely should know better!

Cool video though, looks like the 'geezer has some competition… :smiley:

thanks Tuscon, would love to be able to take you up on that offer one day!

Finally back on the muni after about a month hiatus due to my ankle injury making this vid. I had no real issues riding, just a little tentative. Ankle still seems a little off, maybe it’s mostly mental.