Riding Down Stairs

I have ridden down VERY WIDE stairs and can do that fine now, it’s almost like going off many continuous little drops. But now I want to be able to ride straight down a normal set, but everytime I try the uni (20" trials) just shoots out from under me after a couple of stairs or I fall back! I cannot find any posts about riding straight down a set, can somebody please give me some pointers?

Many thanks!

put a lot of weight on the pedals by pulling up on the handel that way your feet wont slip of from the viabration. it just takes practice start on a 3 stair and work your way up to the occasional 30 stair with no run off

^what he said & you’re probably too scared. it’s all about commitment

I sort of had the same problem. I think it helps just to hold your seat. I dont really know why, but it does. Don’t think about it too much. Just do it. And standing up helps as well when learning. Make sense?


just go for it and don’t be scared and remember to wear your helmet

Helmets are for grandma. Who needs their noggin?

Yes it does, it helps a lot standing up i’ve found!

Steeper steps are just a steeper hill with regular bumps.

Get your weight off your seat and just ride down. Going a bit faster is probably easier than going slower, so just go for it.

Theres a dh race down stairs in Stuttgart this year. The website is featuring some tipps (you may have to click the english flag up in the left corner):


Pull up on the handle really hard. Also just commit, if you loose your balance while riding you can just jump off the uni.:smiley:

like everyone else has said, you just need to commit and if you loose balance jump forwards away from the uni. :slight_smile:

Just don’t jump too far forward :smiley: especially if the stairs are long and steep :astonished:

And no helmets are for retards that are too worried about thier self image and peer pressure instead of living a life as a mentally impaired person who can no longer be self sufficient or independant… Wow that would be SO much cooler then a helmet…

i think he was jokin, maybe not…but

i’m a huge advocate of wearing helmets myself, and i’ve never hit my head…tho ive had many falls on my tailbone, and if a curb or stair was behind me on any of those falls i’d be lucky cause i always wear my helmet.

there is one actual person on the forum who says using a helmet for unicycling is useless though. ridiculous!

i can’t ride up to my maximum potential if i dont have my helmet on.

Hahahaha that would be Rowan… I personally don’t wear one much because I can’t find one that I like and I ride mostly flat, but I definitly can’t see how it would be bad to wear one. :thinking: