Yes. I do all of my reading on usenet, and really CBA to use web fora for reading news.

I’ve recently taken to using the forum to post on the basis that, with the majority of readers using the forum, it’s probably beneficial to have a recognisable avatar and a bold underlined name. Compare my details to the left of this post (as viewed in the forum) to those on the left of my posts in this thread:

I still wouldn’t bother posting through the forum if it was any extra effort, but actually it’s remarkably easy to just click on the “View this thread” link at the bottom of the usenet message, then click “Quote” and enter my password.

Replace “diff. website” with “the newsgroup or mailing list” (usenet and e-mail are not www), then yes.

In principle there is nothing to stop anyone with usenet access from posting to any unmoderated newsgroup, nor to stop anyone with a subscription to the mailing list from posting to the mailing list. Those posts would then be passed through to the forum.

I believe the mailing list moderator has various safeguards in place to stop crap getting through from usenet. I daresay Gilby would be able to prevent usenet posts from specific users from reaching the forum, but of course they could easily circumvent that by changing their “from” names.

Why is that domain not owned by the IUF, inc. ?

Why does the IUF does’nt have an own website?


The International Unicycling Federation’s (IUF’s) use of the domain name and Web site is generously donated. The IUF currently has no means to raise money. The Unicycling Society of America has, in the past, been able to pay for its share of the domain / Web site out of the money it collects from membership fees.

Aha, thanks, always good to know who to be thankfull to.