Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Thanks @gocup, that does look impressive and a nice challenge to go up without UPD’ing

After I was hit by a car the person that hit me said “I thought I had snapped your bike in two”


Look at that. He only needs one wheel to have fun.

Was at the park the other day…

“I know some men that can do a lot of things, but unicycling is not one of them!”


That’s funny. What would be a good card for a unicyclist?

Maybe something like:

No, I’m not missing a Wheel

I have several at home
It was not half price off
It’s not a result of my divorce settlement
I don’t work in a circus

You need to work on your jokes

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Actually, a unicycle often costs half the price of a bike of similar quality…

I found this video from from a few years ago when this guy rode in a large annual charty bike ride. 1 unicycle, 10,000 bikes. He came prepared…

I unicycled that same ride a few years later. It’s tough on a unicycle, kudos to him.


I will be part of a 200k race in a few weeks, I should get something similar too…

Him: “That looks exhausting!”

Me: “Yeah, but it’s not (pause) 2-tiring” (Thanks @UniGeezer)


Replying to myself! - in previous post I described the excitement of a class of kids taken to a hillside viewing platform at our national arboretum when I rode up the zigzag track. Today I went to that area again for a ride in a different area a bit further away, entering a road via a single track. Once again, I heard the cries of “unicycle” (a word that seems to carry some distance). Then I waved my arms and more cheers, then a shout of “fall down” so I staged a fake fall to the ground and got more cheers (!?). It seems like getting a bunch of kids in the open with a teacher brings out certain behaviors, with the kids competing with each other and enjoying the chance to misbehave slightly.

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A post on a local Facebook group. I was indeed the ‘random guy on a unicycle’. I actually said to him that he shouldn’t mention me, tell people you saw big cats, ghosts or the Loch Ness monster and they might believe you, tell them you saw a guy out for a night time unicycle ride in the woods and you will be met with scepticism!